#3055 Dinner party metaphor

It’s been a while since we did a home-made dinner for guests that filled up our table, but tonight we did it.

I was thinking how we aren’t going out of our way to do stuff like this because we’re in that tricky toddler stage of life, but at the same time when you have a reason to do it, you DO it, and you make it happen.

That’s not to say it’s easy, or not hard… but when you find a will, you find a way.

No excuses, you get it done.

And it just feels like a very appropriate life motto. Look for excuses when it suits you, but move mountains when you WANT something.

Sound familiar? We all do it. I guess tonight served as a little reminder that I can do more than I realise when I put my mind to it, and sure, this stage is still tricky despite my realisation… but, it’s good to know I can.

Plus, we had great company tonight, so that’s a bonus. đŸĨ°đŸĨ‚

#3054 The preparation buzz

I am always running around the day before people come over, but in some weird way, I think I love the madness.

The rush to clean, buy things, cook things, get things ready… I am flat off my feet, usually spent by days end and with barely no time to even sit on the couch for 20 minutes, but I do it, again and again, so either I am a sucker for punishment, or I just forget easily… đŸ¤Ŗ

OR, I like to do this. đŸĨ° Also when it’s for people you love, the madness comes more easy. 💖💙

#3053 Reflective sunset

There is something so serene about the evening waters reflecting a sunset sky.

It looks so magical, peaceful, beautiful.

Topping it off is the chimney on the left, blowing up smoke.

Winter is on its way, but gee aren’t these nights grand. 😍

#3052 Happy greetings after school

I work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so it’s Hubbie that picks up baby girl from school.

But what I love as I sit at my desk working, is turning around to see my beautiful girl’s face as she comes home… always cheerful, happy to see me and with a big hug as she fills me in on her day.


#3051 He kicks the ball

There are many different ways I love to play with baby boy, but one thing that I see brings him and us a lot of joy is when he kicks the ball.

We have a variety of bouncy balls, soft balls smaller balls, jingly balls, plastic balls, even the other day he found a tennis ball. đŸ˜Ŧ

He isn’t at skilled throwing stage yet or else we’d be in trouble. He does this soft throw that ends up being like an up-in-the-air throw, rather than a direct at your face or through a window one. đŸ¤Ŗ

But he also loves to kick. We call out “kick ball” and he runs and does this little step and KICK!

And I guess everyone thinks their child is a genius or super talented, but I gotta say, I am impressed with his skills. 😁 And at the very least, which is kinda the most, he is having the best time, and so are we when we see his beaming smile. âšŊ⛹ī¸â€â™‚ī¸

#3050 Slowing down to play

I find myself frustrated a lot lately at my inability to do much of anything.

Baby boy needs to be watched, followed, monitored – he is such a curious little boy, and we wouldn’t have him any other way, yet his ways are sometimes driving me up the wall because he is so FULL ON.

But I feel like he is like this to teach me a lesson, to show me I need to in fact slow down.

So I find myself more and more often, leaning into this stage of letting go of my preconceived ideas of being productive and getting stuff done, as I watch him explore the world, learn, discover things around him, and just have a grand old time doing so.

Today after his lunchtime milk feed, we stayed on the couch doing some rough play, I was tickling him and he was rolling about, then he was taking off his sock and I was like “nooo!” but then kissing his feet, and he was laughing, and giggling, and it was OH SO SWEET.

And I thought in that moment, that this slowing down, these moments where nothing is achieved in the ‘to-do list’ scheme of things, that these are really the EVERYTHING moments. For him in this present moment, but for me to remember for always. 💞

#3049 Mother’s Day list

Some of my biggest Mother’s Day wishes came true today.

First off, the most unexpected – baby boy slept through the night.


Neither myself or Hubbie had to get up to tend to him overnight… bliss. And while I wonder if our slightly late night last night had something to do with it, we had an even later night last week and he still got up overnight, so go figure.

Next, Hubbie had arranged to get up and do the start of day milk for baby boy, as well as all the other morning jobs with him, while I… lay in bed.

Seriously. I have not lay leisurely in bed since before baby boy was born, for 15 months now. Since I had had a decent sleep, I couldn’t even fall asleep again, but I still lay there with my eyes closed while Hubbie and baby girl were downstairs with baby boy.

At one point I wondered if I should get up and make the bed as I waited for them to come up and get me… but again I thought, ‘no, I jump out of bed EVERY DAY with baby boy’s cries, including indefinite times overnight every night, so now I will lie here. And stretch.’

And it was a good stretch.

Then baby girl came up to tell me breakfast was ready! I came down to scrambled eggs on toast plus my weekend tea. ❤ Hubbie had made the tea, and baby girl had done the scrambled eggs on toast for me all by herself… and it was delicious!

And I even got to eat it in peace, oh my God.

Handmade presents and cards followed, and later on in the day I got to spend with my extended family, celebrating my own mum, and my sister, another inspiring mum in my life.

The weather was perfect too… and while the day was perfect in so many ways, my life is real, and I cried tears both happy and sad today, because that’s life.

I share that because I think it’s important to keep it real. But I am blessed to have been with my most loved people today, and let’s not forget –

  1. Not getting up overnight (i.e. decent sleep).
  2. Laying in bed
  3. Stretch
  4. Breakfast made for me
  5. Eating in peace!

Thank you! I am grateful 🙏

#3048 Appreciation to round up the day

It was a last minute decision to head to the other side of town to visit the MIL tonight.

And it followed a difficult day for me, where I was both bitten and bruised by baby boy (and I have the battle scars to show for it!) – he’s a real live wire that one. 🙄

But it was a lovely night, and it’s always nice to feel accepted, to feel wanted, your presence appreciated and enjoyed.

I felt that tonight with all company involved, and when you end the day on the opposite mood of where you started it, I think that’s a successful outcome. 😊❤

#3047 Jar of love

They chose not to do a Mother’s Day stall at baby girl’s primary school this year.

Initially I was like “but I like my little $5-10 presents that break easily!” đŸ¤Ŗ

The new principal thought it was a smart idea to not contribute further to landfill with these small, wasteful items, like having one of these stalls would do, and instead get the kids to make something handmade, while enjoying an afternoon with them at school.

So that’s what today was. I was only there about half hour or so, busy running after baby boy, but baby girl gifted me this jar full of nice notes about me. It is such a precious idea, I think I will open up one per day, and I already know they will help me so much in this phase of life. 💖

She also gave me another hand-made gift, much the same premise, these held like poems and messages about me in this small gift box type thing. She said she has more to give me, but that will come on Sunday 🙏

Also in the little box was a little flower, and when I asked if it was for me, she replied she had looked around at lunchtime for a little flower for me. 🌸(Awww!)

I love these things. 😍 I’ve been thinking of Mother’s Day a lot today, and it really has gone a bit out of control. It really should just be things like this – handmade gifts, words of love from your children, your partner, really anyone in your life that appreciates what you do as a mother, and even sweet actions, like let’s say a sleep in, a home-made meal, even like breakfast in bed (hint hint, family lol!)

I really do love the jar idea though, and I know I will keep it forever.

Good job new principal. 👍

#3046 Looking sunnies again

Yesterday amidst all the sleeplessness I went and did something that peeved me right off.

I broke my sunnies. They looked broken anyway. I had placed them on the passenger side seat when out doing jobs with Hubbie and baby boy, and I did that because when I put baby boy in his seat, often my sunnies hit the top of the car since they’re on my head… being all sleep-deprived and crap, I thought ‘let me spare them.’

And then my butt spared them. đŸ¤Ļ‍♀ī¸

I didn’t hear any crunch, but I did suddenly feel them against my lower back when I sat down, of course since I had forgotten I had put them there a minute ago, you know sleep deprivation and all…

I was really shattered. I was so upset already about other things, (including no sleep forever) I started to cry. Hubbie was like, ‘don’t cry over your sunnies.’

But it was so much more.

I was like, how much more shit could I take?

Secondly, I really loved this pair.

Thirdly, if I could get them repaired, how could I even go anywhere what with our crazy schedules?

And last, I actually had a voucher for a Sunglass Hut, but again, NO TIME, so again, this just felt like another job to add to the to-do list, the current ever-growing list that seems to always have stuff being added to it, with no set end date, a real proper frustrating work-in-progress list.

But then overnight, something happened.

Other than sleep (praise 🙏) things were occurring to me.

I had already decided that I needed to get some more navy pants for baby girl for school, and that we might go this afternoon.

I had also realised that this shopping centre had a Sunglass Hut. I bought my sunnies from another centre, which is why I kept forgetting this other, closer one, could actually, possibly help me with my problem…

Anyway, fast forward to this afternoon, and we popped into the Sunglass Hut. I was there, showing her my sunnies, asking about repairing them…

And the sales assistant had a look over, and then very gently popped them into place!


She even tightened the sides and gave my lenses a clean (bless) and I was oh so grateful I bought some more sunglass lens cleaner so she could at least get something out of my visit.

Sure they are a little firm on that damaged side, but I’m so happy I get to keep wearing them, I don’t care.

And that my friends is the extra light in my day that gave me a jump in my step. 😁