#3022 Comfort in the confusion

I didn’t get so down this time around when baby girl went back to school for the start of a new term.

Every time Hubbie has had holidays, or baby girl has had school holidays, it’s been hard for me to accept them suddenly not being there with me – home to help with baby boy.

But every time it’s gotten easier, and maybe that’s because he is growing up and getting easier, ever so slowly. I realised that again last night – sure, I knew it was me and him during the day, but I wasn’t getting so caught up in worries as I had other times.

Even while out for the morning pram walk, I realised my attitude had slightly changed for other things. Last term I was able to put baby boy down for his main afternoon nap, then 30 minutes or so later slowly transfer him to the car for school pick up, where he kept sleeping!

But now a few weeks have passed, and being officially 14 months old, his awake times have increased. I had to adjust my timings today, and during the pram walk realised I would have to pop him in the car, drive around, and then park for school pick up… there was no transfer, no time anymore.

And the added challenge… we were in another car. My sister’s.

Would he fall asleep easily? Would he be distracted and refuse his main nap?

Instead of stressing on end about all of this, I easily was able to reframe, and found myself, actually comforting myself.

‘You are in a new car, only for this week.’

‘If he doesn’t sleep, oh well, he will sleep later.’

‘Afternoon naps are tricky now, but this will all change again in weeks/months. This is temporary.’

I gotta say, I felt awfully grown up with all of my words of wisdom. But it’s true. Every stage of parenthood is so fleeting, and what is the norm today will be just a memory tomorrow.

And without even knowing what the day would bring, I felt a great sense of calm. Look at me all grown up and all. 😁🤣

(Spoiler alert – he did fall asleep in the car, and he had a great nap too. 🙏💙)

#2964 The holiday main event

Saturday. The best day of the week. Also a couple of days before Hubbie goes back to work…

Hence, ‘The Main Event.’

We went to a local market in the morning. Had coffee cart coffee, plus cinnamon-covered doughnut holes.

Bought strawberries and blueberries from local farms, you know the kind that actually smell like berries and are like, BIG.

Our curious eyes led us through stalls amongst the tall trees.

We relaxed at home after midday. Two radios playing, and the TV was playing music too.

Pottering about here, there.

Opened the last of baby boy’s birthday presents.

Did a small outdoor barbeque for dinner.

Took one (or two, or three), shots of the most picturesque sunset.

And now we are content at the end of the day.

Nothing overwhelmingly huge happened. It was just a simple, sweet, relaxing family day.


#2822 Routine/no routine

It’s a funny state we find ourselves in.

We’re on holiday, so routine is out.

No rushing to school drop-off/pick-up.

No after-school classes.

We are very go-with-the-flow.

But at the same time, someone in our family is thriving on routine.

BABY BOY. 💙🤣🙃🤦‍♀️

He needs certain awake times.

Certain naps.

Certain feeds.

He is a fusspot. 🤣

So we are going about our days, kinda doing whatever, while still punctuated with

“we have to feed him in half an hour,”

“45 minutes to the next nap,”

“quick, we need to get him home now!”

It’s weird, it’s funny, but it’s kinda working.

We often lose ourselves so much in holidays, doing whatever, no real order…

But because of baby boy, we are still eating healthy dinners at home, not rushing around too much, and making sure we have plenty of home/out balance in our day.

So, we are on holiday, but kinda not. 🙃

In this stage of life, it works. 🙏

#2819 Appreciating the moment

It’s a special moment, when you’re living something so beautiful, you know you will treasure the moment forever.

Something that was so hard at first, we’ve turned into something so beautiful. The morning nap of the day for baby boy was not happening in the cot at home – so we had to turn things around and make it work for us… he likes sleeping with wheels beneath him. 🤣🤦‍♀️

So in the pram he goes. We walk. And it’s the perfect time of year for it. It’s only going to get warmer. 🙏

Right now, Hubbie is on leave. Baby girl on school holidays. Today we all embarked together around the block. Towards the park. We walk past dog-walkers. Observe the magpies and the crows looking for worms. Embrace the stillness.

The sun was out. Weather mild. So, so still.

So, so beautiful. I’m loving these moments, loving these memories. 💕💙❤

#2583 Back for a bit

It was so good to be back here today!

I have been missing our regular Wednesday brunch spot during the holidays, so it felt really good to be back with Hubbie today, doing what we do best… drinking coffee, eating good food, and talking life. 😁💖

And to think… today may have been the last Wednesday we are there as a duo… next time, there might be an extra one under our wings! 🤰🙏🥰💞

#2567 My beachside celebration

So when I said a while back that shit’s getting real, well now shit is really getting REAL.

So, apart from our little ‘babymoon’ now over…

Apart from my half-packed hospital bag…

Apart from the one adjustment the baby room needs (happening Friday)…

Today, I finished work.


Another big thing, DONE!

It just keeps going on. Tick, tick, tick. Things are happening, finishing, progressing, completing, and it’s all bringing me closer to meeting baby. 🥰🥰

I like to use the beach as celebration, and just as I took baby girl on her last day of school in December, so too did we go again this afternoon as my little celebration.

My fave thing to do at the moment? Because it’s a bay beach and there are plenty of shallow waters, I like to sit in the shallow water and just relax, with the belly I have, lounging around like a beached whale because that is most comfortable to me right now. 🤣

The countdown is most definitely on! If only I knew what number to start at… 😬🤔

#2416 Our beautiful getaway

We’ve gone away for a couple of nights.

We were feeling a little unsure about it all, because firstly it’s been freaking cold. You kinda wanna save your leave and your getaway times for when it’s warm, and frankly it’s just been shithouse.

But as soon as we got here this afternoon, through the traffic, the gloom, the wet gravel-y roads, we kinda gasped and immediately didn’t wanna leave.

I think I can safely say that any property you hire via the dayget portal is going to be amazing. From my first experience holidaying here with some friends way back in the day, to then 7 years ago now when we first took baby girl (😲), to now, every single time we have been here in one of their different properties, we’ve been super impressed.

We want to take all the furniture and styling ideas home. It’s truly a beautiful place, and the greenery outside is so peaceful and stunning.

We can’t wait to properly sightsee amongst the sunshine tomorrow. 🌞

#2289 3 days in sight

I don’t even care that I have to work tomorrow.

It doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

Beyond that I have 3 DAYS OFF… with Hubbie and baby girl!


This feels like a mini holiday. This feels like a version of summer holidays all over again, what with the temps in the 20s, and seeing as I have revisited my summer photos recently, I really am feeling those holiday vibes…

3 days off. There’ll be a whole lot of home-making, home-decorating, baking, and Easter eating going on…!

#2148 Going with the flow

I love going with the flow.

It’s easy in summer. Holidays, warmth, everything is EASY.

Going with the flow imitates the waves of the bay, and that is a great segue because we met up with one of my oldest friends and her fam at the beach today 🤣

You’re always learning in life, and I really have loved how things are so easy during the holiday/summer season. It’s definitely something I want to emulate and incorporate into my everyday life when the ‘normal routine’ resumes in about a month.

We gotta live life in the moment, and that means making the most of opportunities that pop up last minute, like a last-minute event or a friend coming to town. 😉

And if we keep life light, interesting, entertaining, and full of love and beautiful people, these are the things that will make our souls light and keep us fulfilled. 💖💖