#2840 Unmasked and correct

How satisfying is it when you make a guess for a TV show and you’re right?

One of our family shows is The Masked Singer, one baby girl put us onto years ago due to the bright and outlandish costumes. We guess better than she can because of our age and experience, but she loves the performances and show nonetheless.

A couple of episodes ago Hubbie guessed who the character Tiny was… and as soon as he said the name I was 80-85% sure he was right!

Tiny was unmasked tonight, and guess what, Hubbie was right!

If you’ve read this far and don’t want a spoiler alert, stop reading!

Last warning…

The person was, Australian singer Pete Murray!

So, it was his guess, not mine, but I did agree on it, lol. 🤣 Vicariously enjoying the feeling of victory!

I’m jumping in early now and naming his other predictions because the voices seem uncannily like these people…

Bouncer is Conrad Sewell!

Snow Fox is Jessica Mauboy!

You read it here first! 😁🎤

#2792 The cold weather shows

Channel 10 is killing it for me at the moment.

I’m a good way.

The Traitors we are watching, and we love.

The Masked Singer, another family show we watch and that baby girl loves the theatrics and costumes of, is coming soon.

And tonight The Shark Tank came back! I was a huge fan years ago when it was the old sharks on the panel, so to see new life breathed into the tank (🤣) was exciting and interesting.

While we are going to bed earlier and staying home a lot more due to baby boy, it’s good to have some tv entertainment to keep us busy. 😊

#2706 Distracted

We sit on the couch tonight in the dark, only the light of the TV filling the room.

Baby boy is meant to be having his last feed before bed.

Only he’s not feeding. He’s staring distractedly and curiously at all of us.

And we stare, just as distracted and curious, back at him. 😍😍😍😍

#2658 I love Strange Things

With all of my current stay-at-home newborn time, you can understand I have been watching a lot more TV.

And Netflix.

I picked up Riverdale again, something I started years ago. And then one day weeks ago, I decided to start something that has been on my list for ages, but I just never gave the chance to start watching.

Stranger Things.

After the first ep, I was hooked. The characters, town, premise, the mystery that surrounded the events… it was going around and around in my head.

I put on ep 2 while Hubbie was napping one day on the couch. He woke halfway through, started watching, I explained a few things… and then he was like –

“I wanna watch this!”

So back we went. I re-watched ep 1 with him, the first half of ep 2…

And since then our fascination has been growing and growing!

We love the mystery. The nostalgia. The serious 80s vibe. The out-of-this-world premise (literally).

We are hooked.

Watching Stranger Things with your hubbie has a pro… you’re sharing in this new-found obsession together.

Conversely, watching Stranger Things with your hubbie has a con… you can’t watch when you want to, you always have to wait for them!

Oh well. I’ll always have Riverdale too. 😁😁

#2612 Miffed about MAFS

Here’s the thing.

You absolutely must do what you can to get by in this sleep-deprived, tear-filled, breast-leaking post-partum period.

And it’s taken me 10 years to say it, but now, incredibly, I will…

I’m getting a little bit addicted to MAFS. 🤦‍♀️🤣

That’s Married At First Sight to the rest of you, who perhaps like me, have never watched the show due to life busy-ness, not your taste, or in my case ‘are-you-f%$*ing-kidding-me’-itis.

I spend so much of my days on the couch, feeding baby boy, that it comes to reason I’d catch an ep here… or a repeat ep there.

(They play it like, several times a week, it’s hard to miss. 🤔)

I’ve gotten so into certain relationships in recent days, that I caught the midday repeat ep today to catch up on WHAT HAPPENED AT THE DINNER PARTY?

(A lot. A lot happened).

And I actually googled “who did Claire kiss?” just so I could get the low-down on earlier gossip.

Yep. It’s happened.

Oh no. 🤦‍♀️🤣

#2603 Time for TV

Because baby boy is still so young, he and I aren’t heading out much.

At all.

And coupled with breastfeeding, you can be sure I’m spending a lot of time on the couch, in front of the TV.

I’ve caught up on my backlog of recorded Bold and Beautiful eps.

We rewatched Coming to America on Netflix over several days.

Also, this Amy Winehouse doco I recorded in ’21… smashed that out.

There was an Insight episode on ‘holding a grudge’ that I taped sometime last year – I’ve started that too.

I’ve heard a lot about The White Lotus TV show… so I’ve given that a go and started ep 1.

And for my mental health, we recommenced some comedy viewing tonight… some Sebastian Maniscalco stand-up.

I may be lacking in the sleep department, but I’ll be up-to-date with what’s on the digital box. 🤷‍♀️

#2475 A new traitor

So, many moons ago, I used to LOVE a show called The Mole.

It’s not in production anymore, but it involved a group of people competing for challenges to add money to the ‘money pot’ in order to be in the running to win the whole lot at the end.

If they correctly guessed The Mole, that is.

One of them was a mole. Someone chosen by the production team to try to sabotage their money-making efforts, and as the audience we didn’t even know who it was until the end.

I love these kind of mystery shows. Actually, I don’t think there are enough on TV… but tonight I got lucky.

There is a new player on the block. And it is called, The Traitors.

It has a very similar premise. A group of people are playing for an end money prize, but there is a traitor, or in this case, traitors, trying to sabotage their efforts and go home themselves with the money.

The insane difference to this show that I watched tonight, was we watched the host tap the shoulder of who was chosen to be the traitors… so we as the audience are in on it!

The mystery! The mind games! The gossip, the intrigue, the guessing, oh my oh my oh my.

I am in my element. I have a new fave TV show. I am all for this premise, and I hope to God that others love it too so it comes back again and again.

The game begins!

#2413 Lovely moments

Today it was really good to have a chill day, after days and days on end of go go go.

It was gloomy and rainy out, so we just sat on the couch for a while doing nothing and watching TV.


Then my cousin visited with her two kids, including her sweet little baby… a sweet little baby in our household. Awww. 😍😉

And I just kissed my 8 year-old girl for the last time as I put her to sleep… tomorrow she’s 9.

Wow. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

#2059 The Masked hat trick

I got all 3 guesses right tonight on The Masked Singer finale!

Before the show, Hubbie wrote down both his and mine guesses… his on the left, mine on the right:

(Don’t mind the spelling, the meaning is there)

Now I gotta be honest, I am pretty rapt I got all 3 right… but I admit that 2 of those 3 guesses I got from the judges. With both Axle Whitehead and Em Rusciano, when their names were spoken as possibilities during the weeks past, I listened to the clues, listened to the voice, and it just seemed right.

But what I am most proud of is my Anastacia guess. Because I guessed it first… before the judges!

Weeks ago during one of ‘Vampire’s performances, something inside of me twigged, and I snapped my head to Hubbie and said, “that sounds like Anastacia!”

He nodded and realised I was onto something, and then when minutes later Dannii said “it could be Anastacia” I pointed at Hubbie and gasped, saying “I said it first! Didn’t I?”

So that is my proudest moment. I know her voice is recognisable, but still…

I guessed before them, tee hee hee.

#2038 TV night

Tuesday night: super easy chilled night.

Pizza on the couch, and 3 widely varying tv shows!

First: Selling Houses Australia. We love watching these home improvements and renovations, and think it’s hilarious how Andrew Winter makes fun of everyone’s house. 😆

Masked Singer Australia. Well I explained this one last night, it’s great family entertainment that keeps us guessing. 🥳

Australian Gangster: We started watching this last night too, and it continues tonight. It’s really gritty gangster crime, and to hear the lingo makes me feel like I’m back in my ol’ hood of the northern burbs… good, or bad? 😬

What are you watching tonight?