#3028 Sunday’s Murphy drive-by

You know how often you’re looking forward to something for so long, then Murphy’s Law gets in the way right before the time comes and stuffs it right up?

Well we had a catch-up planned with my bestie and her fam, organised for weeks and weeks now…

Then Mister F needed urgent vet attention this morning. 🤦‍♀️

But it’s OK! We made it work, and still got to catch up with them, just a little later. 🙏

And happily, the catch-up was fantastic and everything I thought it would be. 🥰

So those Murphy fairies didn’t quite get us this time, it was just enough for a scare. 🤣

#2959 Monday holiday catch-up

I just love the summertime.

It usually (ahem Melbourne) means warmth, catch-ups, fun times and holidays.

Every day feels like a holiday in summer.

Even more so when you have an impromptu visit with your favourite people… on a Monday.

Like, usually, the most despised day of the week! But today, it became awesome. 😁

Because summer, warmth and fave people collided so beautifully … thanks holidays. ❤

#2901 KK ’23

Look, I gotta say, I was pretty busy leading up to today. It takes effort just to keep meals on the table, clothes laundered, dishes washed, and some semblance of order in the house going when I’ve got baby boy climbing everywhere, crawling everywhere and testing everything with his mouth. 😬

But the extra work was 100% worth it. I had my bestest friends over today for our annual KK Christmas catch up.

Love, laughter, lightness, lifelong friends… what more can one ask for?

Lucky are we. 🥰🎄🎁❤

#2816 Getting out with baby

It is so much harder getting out and about with a baby in tow.

There’s naps, feeds, solids, burping, nappy changes, keeping them happy and entertained…

All things we gotta do with baby boy, round the clock.

But it’s still good to get out. You’re busy, it’s constant, there are all his needs to tend to…

But at the end of it you’re glad you went out and did it.

Like today. I went with the kids to catch up with a bestie and her kids. It was all of the above… needs, busy, constant.

But it was also fun, beautiful, there were laughs, and it’s always great to catch up with someone you’ve known for so long.

Love these days. 🙏❤

#2740 Comfy

We still wanna be social, but we’re also traumatised getting into the car, because baby boy can definitely let loose with the tears and screams.

So… we call people to our place!

We call sis and her fam to our place. Nothing says comfy quite like “we wanna catch up… but we’re scared to drive over… do you wanna come here instead?”

It was a wonderful night tonight with a lot of our classic, good ‘ol ingredients: laughs, d&ms, inspiring stories, music aplenty, drinks and food…

But with one huge addition. Teething toys and sucking fingers, gummy smiles and curious gazes.

Baby boy. 😍💙

#2664 This is the fun part

After those early newborn days…

Comes more sleep,

More smiles,

More goo’s and ga’s

And finally, more visitors!

Boy have we kicked off this weekend with a bang!

We love introducing our baby boy to our family and friends, and we love that this is only the beginning. ❤🥰

#2556 Girly and sweet

I had some recent good updates on my pregnancy and progress today, so I gave myself the allowance…

for indulgence. 😍

I had some mummy-daughter time with my princess today, where we went to the Main Street and I said “you choose where we go!”

She wanted to sit in a cafe for babycino and coffee… and some other things.

I said indulgence, didn’t I?

The girly and sweet theme continued into tonight, with a dinner catch up with my besties. I tell you, nothing fills up my well as much as being around my people, and they definitely fall into that category.

And, following lead from earlier, right after dinner…

More sweet. If you know how ‘good’ I’ve had to be, you would seriously applaud this, trust me. 🤣

It occurred to me at some point today that it was at that exact Pancake Parlour booth, 6 months ago, I was 6 weeks pregnant, seeing my friends for the first time after finding out that fact, and holding onto this big baby secret which was so exciting but still so early to share.

And tonight, 28 weeks later, same Pancake Parlour, same booth, same friends, lots of thanks and gratitude, but stronger love. 🙏❤

It’s all come very nicely full circle, and I can’t help but wonder two things:

Are all these girly and sweet vibes trying to tell me something? A theme for the future perhaps?

Second, seeing as the catch ups have come full circle, I don’t know if I’ll make next months catch up… I think baby will come early!

I’ll just have to host the catch up at my place… with the new addition close by, of course. 🥰

Now that’s sweet. 🤱

#2546 Relaxing Day

The only remotely close thing relating to ‘boxing’ today, was baby doing some kind of gymnastic moves and boxing me about from the inside out.

There was no shopping.

There was no cricket.

There was no cinema release.

There wasn’t even, actual boxing (there never is, despite the public holiday name, lol!)

There was only, relaxing.


And it’s so good to be on the other end of it. Christmas, the busy period, the running around, the shopping, the presents, all of the wild anticipation of the festive day.

And I LOVE Christmas. But it has been a busy time. Christmas lead-up, my baby-related catch-ups, and just general getting ready for baby has left me in a wild and crazy state at this time of year.

So I am happy it is over, and now I get to focus solely on other things.

Baby. Relaxing. Spending cherished time with my family, while relaxing. And just catching up with loved ones and on stuff, before baby arrives.

That is it.

I’m hoping now at 8 months, I get to finally put my feet up. 🙏💖

#2537 The long overdue catch-up

I feel the above title is a bit redundant… aren’t all catch-ups long overdue nowadays? What with covid scares, general sickness because summer is posing as winter, and all manner of crap keeping us on edge, anxious and away from loved ones?


But it happened anyway. We caught up with bestie, her hubbie and gorgeous son, and it was the best night. I sometimes get sad after nights like this, because it would be great to live closer to each other… then I remember how insanely busy we all are, and we’d still probably catch up the same amount of times as we do now. 🤷‍♀️

I think my highlights of the night were connecting over music, as we get highly passionate about that (and what a beautiful thing to connect over, don’t you think?) and seeing bestie’s little boy wave goodnight to us as he went off to bed! OMG! That was the most unexpected and beautiful thing, I loved it.

Totally made my night. In fact, the night, made my night. 🥰😍😁💖