#3043 Follow the Autumn sun

Today we all happened to be home.

A planned day off for Hubbie, and after a late night last night at a dinner dance + Orthodox Easter, baby girl was happy to stay home from school, and we happily obliged.

I was thinking along the lines of, catch up on washing, do grocery shopping for the week, chill at home, maybe a Bunnings stop…🤣

But Hubbie said “I don’t wanna spend my day off at home” and thank God we didn’t.

So we hit the road.

We drove up to the Dandenong Ranges, had lunch in a cute cafe, walked in and out of quirky shops, and then the best was left ’til last, when we went to this beautiful park in Olinda. It was peaceful, the surroundings were beautiful, there was so much to do for both big and little kids, a lot for parents to admire, and then Mother Nature was splendid and showing off in between, looking incredible as always. 😍

We came home later on in the afternoon – missing food, washing still there, but honestly, we made the best decision today.

We saw the sunshine outside, and we followed it. 🌞🍂

#3007 Love our Easter

How much more Aussie can this photo get?

Pavlova + VB?


Happy Easter everyone. I love Easter every year, but what I love the most is the people we spend it with. That makes the entire day. It doesn’t matter what we do, that MAKES it, the company. Hands down the most important thing.


#2300 The different faces of Easter

It was a different but really beautiful Orthodox Easter.

Different in that we went to a few extra places…

Beautiful in that we saw a few extra people!

Apart from the usual family-based Easter at Hubbie’s side of the family, we had a birthday party in the late morning that had me in the company of people I don’t usually see on Easter… my closest friends. The kids were shrieking and playing arcade/ticketed games, and just to be around my friends on such a day, felt so special.

We punctuated our Easter lunch with a park visit down the road, where both Hubbie and I swung around with baby girl on this 360 new-age see saw until we felt dizzy. 💫 But the sun was shining and the sky was so blue, we couldn’t stay indoors all day.

And then I got to see my bestie in a drive-by (sounds so sinister!) in the late afternoon, and get a glimpse of her precious baby boy. 😍

Honestly, I was in so many different places and across so many different people, it felt like the longest day, but also a really rewarding and beautiful one.

And whether or not you spend days like this with family, or with friends, I think the thing to consider is “is it with someone I love?” and if the answer is yes, you are WINNING.


#2293 22 points on Easter ’22

  1. Baking hot cross buns in the morning to enjoy for breakfast… our self-made family tradition.

2. Baby girl still believing in the Easter Bunny. 🐰

3. Hubbie and I successfully convincing her to hide out in her room in case the Easter Bunny arrives.

4. Baby girl having a ball looking for eggs around the yard. 💖

5. Getting all the food ready in the morning to take to my parents (a feat in itself)

6. Having my parents well and healthy on this special day. 🙏

7. Enjoying an Easter feast together.

8. REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoying the Riccadonna. 🥂

9. Enjoying sitting outdoors on this breezy Autumn day.

10. Finding a plant in my parents yard from my childhood.

11. “Op, Op, Op, Op, Opa Gangham Style!” 💃

12. D&Ms.

13. Exchanging Easter treats.

14. Eating Easter treats! Chocolate mousse, droooool.

15. But first, COFFEE. ☕

16. Enjoying the cool change ’til light fades.

17. Bruce Springsteen songs that are fully self-indulgent.

18. Sharing the music love around the table. 🎶

19. Smacking mozzies silly with hands and sponges. 😂

20. Planning to leave by 5, but leaving after 7pm. 🤦‍♀️😂

21. Patting Mister F when we got home. 😻

22. But the BEST thing to end the day, was the beautiful kissing game I played with baby girl at bedtime. She had her lips on my cheek, but not doing the smacking kissing sound, just pressing her lips there, so I was kissing her all over her face, before she would grab my face and hold her lips to my cheek again, and around and around we went, cacking ourselves silly.


Happy Easter to all who celebrate today. 🐰💖🥰💝

#2291 A Good Friday

This year’s Good Friday was lovely and great and relaxing in so many ways.

I was Easter baking and cooking, but there was no rush, just nice and easy, no stress.

It was the anniversary of our furry friend Mister F coming to live with us! It’s been 3 sweet, tricky, and sometimes annoying years living with a master manipulator such as this cheeky pussy cat we have come to know and love. But we are absolutely in love with him, ALL of us, and we are constantly amused by his antics, as he is probably amused with us being so amused with him. 😏😻

And I had some time, to read! I really need to allocate more time to myself, even in like, 15 minute blocks. Instead, today I had over an hour (😁😁) and it made me happy to no end.

Of course there was also the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal, and watching it has kinda become a tradition for me. It can be incredibly sad and heart-wrenching listening to some of the stories, and it definitely plants your feet firmly on the ground, putting life into perspective by learning of others illnesses… but it is also uplifting and hopeful, what with the charity and help and good nature of human kind put on show.

I will end on this true fact: children should not be sick. Give so they may grow. 🙏💖

Donate here: http://www.goodfridayappeal.com.au

#2289 3 days in sight

I don’t even care that I have to work tomorrow.

It doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

Beyond that I have 3 DAYS OFF… with Hubbie and baby girl!


This feels like a mini holiday. This feels like a version of summer holidays all over again, what with the temps in the 20s, and seeing as I have revisited my summer photos recently, I really am feeling those holiday vibes…

3 days off. There’ll be a whole lot of home-making, home-decorating, baking, and Easter eating going on…!

#1903 Double the Easter fun

When you get married to someone, you inherit a lot.

You inherit them. Their family. Their values, interests, ambitions.

You also inherit, their traditions.

And when it comes to the holy days of the year, you inherit those too.

And if they happen to fall on a different day, well…


Easter. Christmas.

We have Catholic Christmas. Orthodox Christmas.

Catholic Easter. And then Orthodox Easter.

Double the fun! Double the food! Double the chocolate, and presents, and memories, and good times…

And it suits me just fine that we have these different, but oh-so-similar backgrounds. That we can blend them together in our family, baby girl gets a cultural taste of both, and we can make all of this work, FOR ALL.

And on that note… Happy Orthodox Easter to anyone celebrating today. I am about to pop, and yet I am going to walk back to the kitchen now for more sweet bread, otherwise known as kozinjak…

Cultural differences are beautiful. 💖💖