#3033 Focus Friday

I question myself lately – what is this that I’m feeling?

Is it seasonal depression?

Is it the culmination of 14 months of sleeplessness?

Is it frustration at the inability to do ANYTHING?

Is it just life being hard right now?

Is it the fact that shit’s hit the fan so many times this month?

And I look around me and around me and around me, and Hubbie reminds me of the bigger picture, which I love him for.

Things happen that put a smile on my face, little signs from the Universe saying ‘the storm is passing, here, here are some golden rays to keep you going.’

Golden rays in the form of baby boy staring at me intently today as I said ‘spectacles’ over and over, making him giggle again and again.

Golden rays in the form of an opening coming up for a writing workshop that had been booked out, but I got the sole free ticket today.

Golden rays in the form of drive-through coffee (because someone stole my sleep again last night πŸ™„)

Golden rays in watching baby girl and baby boy play together, chasing each other around the table.

Golden rays in it being FRIDAY!

Yes, things feel crappy at times, but the things I have that make me happy, they are big, bold, beautiful things, and they outweigh all the little itty bitty shitty things that keep me distracted.

But I need to stay focused.

#3005 Early school holidays

I think it’s a great idea when the school holidays begin on a Friday.

It’s like we’re in front, we’re winning. The weekend is not even here yet, and hold on, wait – let’s start our holidays on a Friday.


Today was a lovely Good Friday. I was home with my family, all of us were home, it was peaceful, and so sunny.

And then tomorrow is Saturday.

See? Winning. 😁

#2928 Soul beach walk

I’ve had one of those days again. I was lamenting how I felt like my soul needed a beach walk, in amongst physical pain, frustration, tears… the lot.

I was telling all this to Hubbie, and he suggested we go out for a walk, or “you go” as he said.

“I can’t.” There was washing up, jobs to do, I couldn’t just desert them and go at the busiest time of the day…

But then it occurred to me. This coincided with one of my three resolutions. I don’t like to call them New Year’s resolutions, because I believe you can make a change for the better whenever you want, but these kinda just popped into my head one day, and I immediately held onto them.

They are simple, short, and sweet. All with S’s, easy to remember, like the first initial of my name.

Speak Up.

Stand Straight.

Think of Self (or be Selfish, which doesn’t sound as lovely as Self).

I am never selfish. The whole reason I believe my physical body is suffering is because I’m always putting everyone else before me, and my body is rebelling drastically because of it. It isn’t being heard, it’s being ignored, and it’s not happy.

This was the time to put my foot down and be selfish.

So I said, “you know what? Let’s go.”

And we went.

There were quite a few people about, being a warm Friday evening during holiday season. We simply walked through the sand and water some distance, before walking back to the car park.

So simple. So short. So sweet.

But it spoke to my soul.

I’m so glad we did it. πŸ™πŸ’–

#2823 Public holiday Friday

On this gorgeous public holiday Friday, we ventured out and about, and were adventurers and explorers in our stretch of the bay.

We had coffee (of course).

Walked about in bookshops.

Bought a couple of things for the kids.

Had chicken and chips for lunch.

Went wild at home planning future events.

Put the music up.

And snuck in an extra afternoon nap for baby boy so we could head out to dinner. 🀭

We’re all thoroughly pooped… a sign of a successful day. πŸ₯°

#2746 Baby storytime

When baby boy got up earlier today, at first I was like ‘groan.’

But then I realised it was Friday, and an idea started to form…

He would need to take his morning nap earlier, which meant we would be able to make it to the local library baby storytime!

We walked up just before 11. A mum was in from of me pushing her pram, and I thought to myself ‘maybe there’ll be 7 mums and bubs… or 10, max.’

There were at least 30! Prams everywhere!

I found a spot to sit, baby boy on my lap, and we sang songs! Bounced our babies around! And sent them high over our heads!

I’ve missed social interaction so much… I loved it. πŸ₯°πŸ₯° So, so much.

Baby boy can get up earlier on Fridays if he likes. πŸ’™β€

#2718 A bit of the old me

Early parenthood, with its many challenges and tribulations, has me not liking the stressed, crying, anxious, unhappy person I’ve become.

So it was nice that I had a little of the old me come back today.

I’d picked up baby girl from school and we were driving home, trying to keep baby boy from his usual car crying with a sing-a-long, The Wiggles classic “Rock-a-bye your bear.”

It was working. Baby girl was singing and he was keeping quiet.

Then we started to improvise. She was getting tired of the repetition, and so I chimed in, instead of “bear’s now asleep,”

‘Baby girl is getting tired.’
‘Mummy feels like sleeping.’
‘Baby boy is wide awake.’

And so baby girl and I cracked up, both at the irony of us getting tired in trying to get baby boy calm/tired, and with all the funny sentences we were improvising with.

‘Today is Friday.’
‘I can’t wait for coffee.’

Love being goofy-silly with my girl. πŸ₯°β€

#2585 Weather-belly alignment

It is a Friday night.

The wind outside is rife.

The days have been cold.

It is an opportune time to be on maternity leave.

I can stay home as long and as often as I want, and I don’t feel bad for it… not that I should. But the weather does not permit me to go outside, nor does my heavy belly. πŸ˜‚

They are aligned. It is perfect. πŸ˜πŸ’–πŸ€°πŸ™