#1840 Put some records on

Yesterday I went to a local music shop to check out a second-hand record sale.

I’ve spent the last two days listening to my purchases.

I don’t have heaps of these guys’ music on CD, and if I do, it’s most likely a best of album.

Michael Jackson, is well, Michael Jackson. Who wouldn’t want to have one of his albums on record?

The Elvis one is really good. Sure it’s a romantic collection, but quite a few of them aren’t super slow, and then there is the whole reason I bought it, it contains two of my fave Elvis songs… It’s Now or Never, and The Wonder Of You.

Elton John is one I’ve been happily surprised with. Hearing his young voice tell a story again and again, is a timeless enjoyment.

And then Johnny, well oh, Johnny… he has some classic Aussie anthems, and I have to say, there’s a lot of fun in having a record of someone that you don’t have on CD! It’s a huge novelty, and feels very old-school, putting on a record from the start and letting it play ’til the end.

And so cheap! Like, $50 for the lot? It sells itself!

#1839 A celebration of art

Today was a beautiful day, as we got to support and celebrate a dear friend’s artistic accomplishments.

We were there for the opening day of the exhibition ‘Hanging by a Thread.’ Three artists have brought their pieces together in the collaborative theme of climate change, taking inspiration from life, what they have lived, seen, and felt, and pouring it out into some thought-provoking and exceptional pieces of art.

We were there to cheer on our very talented friend, who painted some incredible pieces in the underwater theme. As her personal response to all the debris found in the oceans, she used things like plastic foils, straws and balloons to create the vivid and detailed imagery that we saw today.

To be there, baring witness to our friend’s great achievement, clapping for and admiring all her hard work, and seeing how she has taken a global issue such as ocean pollution and used it to create artwork… well, it’s something else.

And besides the incredible art we saw today, it was just lovely being out amongst friends and family. Every time we are together, I realise how much I miss them all, and how much we all missed out on last year.

If you can, check out the exhibition showing at Alternating Current ArtSpace in Windsor. It runs until the 20th of March.

You won’t regret it. 💖

#1838 Like old times, and milestones

Living through lockdown has given us a new way of connecting with other people… online.

I am still working from home, and today we played this online Pictionary game. You have to draw on the screen from a selection of words you’ve been given… and the rest of the room, (people participating) have to guess what you’re drawing.

I thought it was pretty cool, and it was Friday, so later my mind wandered where it usually goes to on Friday nights… to my friends. We spent a lot of Zoom calls together during those few months last year, and so I got to really get used to seeing their faces, talking about anything and everything, and just connecting in a way that honestly, we never really had before.

The lockdown had given us a new opportunity to learn even more about each other, through a multitude of topics, discussion, and debate.

And it was great. I realised no matter how much they talk, how much we disagree, how much we maybe shit each other up the wall… we are ultimately stuck with each other for life. That’s it.

And I love it.

So, missing my crew, I sent the random message out: “Anyone wanna play a game online?” Well to be expected, most were busy and couldn’t, but one such friend said “sure, give me a sec.”

And so I’ve spent the last hour or so of this night, chatting to her online while we played online Pictionary!

She is one of my oldest friends. I actually can’t remember if we were friends first in grade 1, or grade 2… I have no idea. I have no idea because after a while, your memory starts to get blurry. I never believed it when I was in my teens, or late childhood. I couldn’t understand how people would say “I can’t remember” about a huge, momentous milestone in their life. I used to think, “how can you not remember something so important?”

Well, now I know. Because as life goes on, your head gets filled up with more and more stuff, and the other stuff that you don’t think of as much, well it starts to fade.

So, so true. Maybe that’s why I’m so adamant about capturing every written word. It’s my own personal record for my unpredictable mind.

Anyway, you get my drift. We’ve been friends for about 30 years, not a word of a lie. And while we laughed at each other’s funny drawings, and tried to make sense of the game, we also caught up and reconnected, and it made me realise that technology, lockdown even, brought a few pretty good things with it.

A Friday night spent watching something on TV, or just letting the hours while away on random stuff around the house, was instead spent sharing some laughs and having fun with one of my oldest besties.

And then, in amongst all that… a milestone! Baby girl got fed up with me on the computer playing games, and put herself to bed!

It’s actually the second time she’s fallen asleep on her own like this, but the first that she did it intentionally… the first time she went to bed as I set up watch over a huntsman in our room, making sure he didn’t hide anywhere, waiting for Hubbie to come home and get rid of it. I’d told her to wait in her bed for me another 20 minutes, and instead she had fallen asleep.

But tonight, tonight was intentional. I was there chatting away, and then went to check up on her… I even kissed her head… and she remained sleeping. Peaceful. Absolutely beautiful, as all sleeping children are. 🤣

So, a good night all around. Looking back, looking forwards… as long as it’s done with the right people…

You’re alright. You’re doing alright. 👍💖

#1837 Class yoga

Today I did something that I haven’t done for a long time.

Yoga… in a class.

I started doing home-based practice last year during covid, before other things turned pear-shaped… there were also a couple of online videos here and there, but…

Let me tell YOU. Class yoga is a whole different ball game.

You don’t get to break for as long as you want between poses. The moves come faster after one another. And then the clincher, you actually do try harder when there are 15 other people in the room with you!

Today the instructor started with a whole lot of breathwork. And I was sitting there cross-legged with hands in prayer pose, thinking to myself –

“Crap. This is gonna be too easy.”

Ha! How wrong I was. I was huffing, breathing deeply, building up a sweat, taking off my hoodie… it was intense. The kind of thigh-burning, leg quivering, heart-pumping and wobbly kind of intense that you get with yoga.

But I loved one thing that the instructor said. She was likening a really hard pose she was going to get us to try, to life. She said –

“You probably will fail. But you’ll get up, and you’ll try and try again. It’s like life. You fail, but you try, and eventually, you’ll get there.”

It was this little moment of motivation, of high significance for me, in amongst downward dogs, cobras, and triangle poses, that made me smile, and even tear up a little.

I too, struggled to achieve poses today, and had to re-centre and adjust several times.

But I’m very used to doing that. Hopefully soon, I will find greater balance. 💖🧘‍♂️

#1836 Brief visit, and the tick of approval

Today my Mum and my sister swung by very briefly.

It was so good to see them, even though the time was limited.

As they headed home I sent with them my home-made plum dumplings, and hours later got a call from Mum…

She was in approval. My knedle, were good!

You know, no matter how old you are, approval from your parents is still so important.

And Mum approves of the dumplings.


#1835 My sunshine, my song

Today one of my all-time favourite songs made me happy.

Well it almost made me cry… but happy tears.

It’s really hard for me to pinpoint one song that I love, out of ALL the songs. I mean, they all give you different feels, and are meant for different occasions, right?

You have seasonal songs that you love. You play them repeatedly for 3 months, and then think of them fondly (or not so fondly!) when you hear it half a year down the track.

Then you have those songs that you love, but you have to be in the mood. A lot of my favourite artists fall into this category.

I love Madonna, but I have to be ‘in the mood’ for her.

Same for Prince.

George Michael.

Justin Timberlake.

The list goes ON and ON.

Yeah, I love these guys. But you have to be there, to feel it.

Then there are those random songs. The ones that you love so hard, that you can’t play them too much for fear of overkilling them and suddenly becoming immune to them. These songs feed your heart, your soul.

Whether they make your feet dance and your arms rise up in joy, like my ‘Diamonds For Her’…

Or whether they make you weep sadly, hand on your heart, like Sia’s ‘Unstoppable’…

Or whether they make your heart wanna burst with happiness… like the song I heard today.

‘O Sole Mio.’

It’s one of my all-time favourite, treasured and protected songs, held closely to my chest, so so personal, and also, from one of my all-time favourite movies.

Only You. The movie that stars Marisa Tomei and Robert Downey Jr. It’s a romantic comedy which affected me early on in my teens when I first saw it, and it seems the movie has affected me in more ways than one, over the years…!

But this song. Ohh, this song. You know I heard this song, in St Mark’s Square in Venice when Hubbie and I honeymooned there, many moons ago. And it made me all teary, knowing I was hearing it, in Italy, played by a band, LIVE, in such a romantic setting, knowing it was the same country that the characters of Only You have a journey in!

The version on the movie soundtrack that I listened to today is performed by Quartetto Gelato. The voice and power behind it is so strong, so moving, that when listened to, you can’t not get a tear in your eye (or 200) listening to the depth and breath of passion in his voice when he sings the song translated to mean “my sun” or “my sunshine.”

I was just there, this afternoon, trying to pick myself up while washing dishes, and then I put on this… this song. And it filled me up whole, entirely, the way all great all-time favourite songs should do.

And just like that, I was full again.

Here you go, if you’re interested. 💖💖

#1834 Her fake laugh

A fake laugh might not be usually desired…

But when it comes from a kid, it’s hilarious.

Like baby girl tonight. I was watching Friends, and she does this thing where she randomly starts laughing at something… but it’s not the punchline.

I’ll be listening out to the joke, and then get this “HA HA HA HA HA!” beside me.

It’s the best. 💖

#1833 Plum dumplings

I’m like a bull.

Sometimes I get a thought in my head, and I just charge, straight for the target.

Nothing can stop me. No one can distract me.

I won’t be satisfied until I’ve done what I set out to do.

That’s what happened today as I went to prepare, “Knedle.”

Otherwise known as ‘dumplings’ with plums.

I had seen an interesting recipe some time ago, and then when my parents picked all the plums off their trees in their old house before they moved, well we had an abundance of plums, didn’t we…

And I thought, wouldn’t it be great to make this traditional recipe, using homemade plums?

My parents plums?


Today, through much effort, I got these done.

I am now satisfied, but I tell you, sooo tired. I feel like I didn’t stop. On a day when I was catching up on so much already, then I started making this time-consuming dish, now I’m just like –


I have dessert to last me all week. If anyone wants to swing by, you know what you’ll be eating. 🤣

#1832 A foot for both families

Today was an exciting day in that we made NEW memories.

We went to my parents new house… and we were ALL together for the first time.

YAY! Happy dance.

As I walked the path between my parents’ house, and my sister’s house, along this cute, tiled path that crossed the fence line, I couldn’t help but think of that The Simpsons episode…

The one called ‘Bart versus Australia,’ where Homer learns that the American embassy, even if located in Australia, is still considered American soil… and so he does this:

It’s a funny memory that has stayed with me since I was a kid. Well I did my own Homer today…

One foot in sister’s territory… and one foot in my parents’ territory!

Parents’ house.

Sister’s house.

Parents’ house.

Sister’s house.

This is going to be FUN! 🤣👍💖😁

#1831 When the hose goes up

Can you think of a more carefree time of your life, than when you were a child, hanging around your parent in the yard on a hot summer’s day, as they watered the garden…

You know.

And the hose, went up?

Showering you with droplets of water in a kaleidoscope of colours, filtered by happy squeals, to the background of smiles all around?

Tonight the hose went up at our place.

I was hot, but not just the hot that envelopes you in temperature… it was the kind of hot that starts at your centre, and then burns outwards, filling you entirely and burning you up whole.

I sat at the front of the house, watching Hubbie water the garden, and baby girl follow him. Then I stepped down to them, and asked –

“Hey… you mind turning that hose up for a sec? I need to cool down.”

Up the hose turned, with a devilish smile. I cringed at the cold drops, jumping in my spot, and baby girl ran circles around us, coming under the shower of rain again and again.

And we did it, again and again.

It made it all better. 💖

Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com