#2971 No more hermits

About a month ago, the invites started rolling in.

Birthday parties… it looked like end of Feb to March was going to be busy.

With the super low-key last year we’ve had in relation to attending parties like this (as in, we rarely attended), it was no surprise then that we said we’d had enough.

Baby boy was now 1. Sure, he still had a routine, but we were over hibernating.

With the first invite we received, we looked at each other and said to baby boy “buckle up, you’re gonna get a lot more flexible.” 😅

Tonight we attended the first of those party invites. We drove far, but we entertained baby boy in the car with snacks, toys and YouTube. 

I followed baby boy around the party, but I was surrounded by people and making conversation and being social.

Baby boy was overtired and crying by the end of the night, but he’d also had a great time, and we’d had an equally great Saturday night!

Then driving home late, we pulled into Maccas drive-through (I needed a hot tea, so Hubbie got a cheeseburger 🤭) and all of a sudden, it was feeling very Saturday night like.

Going out with kids, albeit one of them a baby, requires so much planning, but it was all totally worth it, and we are now so here for it.

Bring it on! 🎉❤

#2873 First beach visit Summer ’23

I had a lot of things that made me happy today.

My Saturday morning coffee date with baby girl and baby boy, where I furiously feed him, and myself, trying to keep my shit together while listening to baby girl at the same time. 💖🤣

Playing ball with baby girl in the house as baby boy napped, and cracking up laughing over silly things like “don’t laugh” “don’t smile” “don’t bounce the ball” and then doing the very opposite. 🤣

Finally, Hubbie thought of the lovely idea of going out to dinner this very early evening. We obviously aren’t as able to do this as we used to, but we knew if we stayed local, plus went early, it would work with baby boy’s schedule.

But baby boy slept in slightly today (after yesterday’s later bedtime due to surprising 3rd nap in car!) and that meant everything moved later… so his bedtime, could also move later. 💪

After a really nice, fast dinner (🤣) where we kept baby boy busy with his food and Wiggles on YouTube, we decided in the 6:30pm daylight savings light that we had time to visit the beach. Which was conveniently right across the road from the restaurant.

It was the best idea. It was simply a short, not even 10 minute stay. We took pics, walked onto the sand, and all the way down to the water. Baby girl got her feet sandy, and wet, and did cartwheels. Baby boy squinted against the light, staring at the water like “what is this giant bath?”

Hubbie and I just smiled like, ‘good idea.’ 😁😁

So, it’s been a good day. 🙏🥰🌅😍

#2815 Big Red Car love

Isn’t it the best thing when you stumble across an old song that you absolutely love?

What does it say about me when that song is a Wiggles song? 🤣

I must explain. This isn’t the most known Wiggles song, not by a long shot. Because baby girl was a massive Wiggles fan, I came across this one on one of the many DVDs we ended up buying, and even though she stopped watching years ago of her own accord, I kept all of those, hopeful in the day we would use them again.

With the way we are going, we definitely will, baby boy loves The Wiggles…

But also, we have Netflix, and episodes on demand. 🙏

As baby boy has been discovering the world of Wiggles, and baby girl and I have been rediscovering it with him, I remembered this one rare song that I absolutely loved back in the day, but because, I don’t know, ‘living on the edge’ (🤣) I didn’t wanna look it up and find it on YouTube. No, that was too easy.

I wanted to stumble upon it. I knew one day soon, I would.

Guess what happened this morning? 😁😁😁😁

We had Ready Steady Wiggle! on Netflix for baby boy (he already has his own list there filled with kids/baby shows 😂) while I had my breakfast, something I do so that I can get some peace and quiet while I eat… but to be absolutely frank I really enjoy watching them, they’re hilarious and cute and silly and you can see why they’re such a worldwide hit, and they totally cater to parents, as much as they do to children, a HUGE part of their success.

And while watching one of these eps, this familiar tune started over the TV, with all the Wiggles in their big red car (Anthony, Simon, Lachy, Emma).


For your viewing pleasure, I will link it here for you:

I was so thrilled, I sang along, and I think no one quite enjoyed themselves this morning as much as I did, I think I loved it all more than baby boy did. 💖

Little things. 🥰🥰

#2342 Wonderful Wintry Super-Slow Sunday

It was Sunday in every sense of the word.

And on a Wintry Sunday, well, you just have to chill and stay home, don’t you?

Baby girl gave me one of her spa messages at midday, where I lay face down on her bed, in the warm heated room, while she gave me a light massage, patting and rubbing my back and shoulders for about 10 minutes, all to the tune of some background ‘sleeping’ tunes she found on YouTube. 😁

It was uber-relaxing, and I finished it off with the biggest laugh, all because of this…

You know how when you finish any kind of gentle spa or face or body treatment, the spa person will say something like “now, open your eyes gently, when you feel like it, take your time…”

Allowing you to slowly stretch up and move gingerly?

Well baby girl stopped the massage, walked over to her ipad, pressed stop on the music, and then said to me “It’s done.”


Oh God, I laughed and laughed. It was actually a great way to end the relaxing session, with a big belly laugh.

And then in the afternoon, I made baked nutella-filled cinnamon doughnuts, because why not?

And following that, spent a good couple of hours (yes! 😲😲) reading, having me time, and just, chilling!

Why, I never!

A super chill Sunday, just how I like it. 🙏💖

#2141 Boxing Day chill and games

The day after a big day like Christmas, birthdays, any kind of event, brings with it a lot of lounging around, and also…


The 3pm coffee break came and I happily indulged in some dessert from yesterday. What was even better though was the games and fun we had, because it was a public holiday, and free from all the prep and rush and stress of getting things ready all week, we could now chill and play.

We participated in a headband “who am I?” type game that baby girl got from her aunty and fam yesterday, before engaging in some ‘green light, red light,’ another game we all played yesterday out on the deck, before playing some YouTube tunes loud after dinner.

It made my heart happy that it was only us 3, and yet we were making noise and having fun and laughing out loud, at really the simplest, easiest things.

And I love it. I love US. 💖🙏

#2035 Lockdown Saturday night tricks

I have a little trick to help during these lockdown-Saturday-night-party blues.

(While we pine over parties we went to in the past, and yearn for those that are yet to come).

I accidentally came across this great and super easy solution tonight, that can trick you into feeling like you are at a party. (Yes, keep reading!)

Put on music. This can be stereo, phone, record player, or like for our Saturday night tradition, YouTube.

This is great to do even if on your own since you can just keep selecting all your fave tunes, but even if in company this might be better, since the others will be selecting their own songs, and then it really will feel like a party!

Wait, that’s only half of it.

With the music still going, LOUD, start messaging people, preferably unrelated to each other… those who are reliable, who you know will respond… at least two people.

But as they say, the more the merrier.

This is what I did tonight. We had the music blasting, then on a whim I started messaging some family and friends… and before I knew it I was swivelling from one conversation to another, all while music was happening in the background…

And then lo and behold, a third group chat began, and I was like “WHO DO I TALK TO FIRST?”

And the music was so loud!

And it was so happening!

And then, it hit me… party vibes! 🤣

Well look, almost, not quite, but it’s the best that we’ll get, ’til we get to that super elusive, ‘there.’


#1966 Chocolate slice and Ricky

Two things brought me joy today.

(Well, many really, but I gotta talk about something different now, don’t I? 😉)

  1. Cooking.

It was such an inside day, and I was happy to spend most of it indoors, willing the rain to rain down even more, so I could revel in the inside-ness, even more.

I did lots of cooking, and was most happy with this chocolate slice I made. It’s a recipe I’ve had for yonks but never tried. Honestly, I have a trillion recipes scattered in magazines, books and clippings all over the place, and need to go through them more regularly so that I can discover more interesting things to make.

It was good.

2. Ricky Martin.

I’ve been on a massive rock fest of late, and most of the time Queen is the only thing I play. But I put a song on YouTube tonight, a live Ricky Martin performance, and after that was done it gave me another Ricky Martin song…

And I just REMEMBERED. I mean, it’s not like I forgot. But you can’t love everyone at the same time, and you gotta play music according to your mood.

But man, I still love the guy.

I ended up finding a CD and pumping it up as I did the dishes, because that’s the rule in our house… whoever does the dishes, picks the soundtrack.

And it was a whole lot of ‘ola’ tonight!

Chocolate slice, and Ricky. Both so, so sweet. 🤣💖😉

#1939 Loom bracelets

Starting from last night, baby girl embarked on a loom band bracelet FRENZY.

She was given this container of bands when she was like, a baby… from a relative. Hand me downs, with all the connectors along with a tin of bright and interesting beads.

I kept them all this time, and finally I have cashed in.

Baby girl has been unfortunately stuck to her ipad during lockdown, and I can’t do anything about it.

  1. Because I’ve been working, and I can’t really be stopping every two seconds to supervise her, and
  2. Even when she isn’t finding new apps, she is doing homework on a device of some kind.


Somehow, she decided she wanted to learn how to make these bracelets. I found a youtube video, we ran through them…

And she has spent almost ALL of today making bracelets!

It’s actually quite soothing and rewarding when you pull the band out and see the pattern you’ve created…


If you get one of these for your next birthday… well just be grateful.


#1887 It’s Friday then…

I love Fridays.

Who doesn’t?

I’ve previously written about the anticipatory excitement one gets when Friday rolls around.

For me, when 3pm on a Friday comes around. 😁😁😁😁

Hell yeah! It’s the best. Knowing you have days off ahead, is FAR better than any of those days off, let’s be honest.

It’s the anticipation.

So today as I clocked off from my work office at home, logged off my laptop, and headed into the kitchen where baby girl was happily waiting, I started singing…

“It’s Friday then, then Saturday Sunday what?”

We’ve been singing this song ever since a Friday has rolled along, ever since we saw the absolutely fantastic video of that guy that just jumps out of the car and dances to his hearts content when he hears the song.

And so we did. Baby girl and I ripped up a storm on the kitchen dancefloor, because…

“It’s Friday then, then Saturday Sunday what?”