#2977 The power of messages

All hail the technology message.

The sms. The messenger chat. The instagram drop. The facebook tag. The whatsapp notification.

All of the text forms. Because I’m at a stage of life, where if I had to speak to people on the phone to communicate, well I wouldn’t be communicating with ANYONE.

Life is so busy. I get messages via all of the above platforms here and there. I text back when I can. When I get a minute of peace.

If I had to call someone? It would never happen! Firstly it’s not silent. So often I am messaging with baby boy napping somewhere nearby, so I really do need to be super discreet.

I sometimes start and stop a message, something that becomes so hard with calls. Or I message, as has become the case this last year or so, at the end of the night, even overnight! I will write back when I’m in bed at the end of the night, or if I’ve just gotten baby boy back to bed and see something, I will quickly text back, depending on what it is.

It is just so easy. And it also keeps me in contact with so many people, and since this whole baby/toddler thing can be so lonely at times, it’s super reassuring to have someone… a text message away. πŸ₯°

Who said technology was bad? I think in life stages like these, we realise how much these interactions can save us. I for one, love my messages. πŸ’–πŸ™

#2971 No more hermits

About a month ago, the invites started rolling in.

Birthday parties… it looked like end of Feb to March was going to be busy.

With the super low-key last year we’ve had in relation to attending parties like this (as in, we rarely attended), it was no surprise then that we said we’d had enough.

Baby boy was now 1. Sure, he still had a routine, but we were over hibernating.

With the first invite we received, we looked at each other and said to baby boy “buckle up, you’re gonna get a lot more flexible.” πŸ˜…

Tonight we attended the first of those party invites. We drove far, but we entertained baby boy in the car with snacks, toys and YouTube. 

I followed baby boy around the party, but I was surrounded by people and making conversation and being social.

Baby boy was overtired and crying by the end of the night, but he’d also had a great time, and we’d had an equally great Saturday night!

Then driving home late, we pulled into Maccas drive-through (I needed a hot tea, so Hubbie got a cheeseburger 🀭) and all of a sudden, it was feeling very Saturday night like.

Going out with kids, albeit one of them a baby, requires so much planning, but it was all totally worth it, and we are now so here for it.

Bring it on! πŸŽ‰β€

#2810 Saturday night tea

Far out.

I think I’m officially old.

Oh, hell no. I’m not old. I just sound old. Difference. 🀣

I’ve had a full day with the kids, doing stuff around the house, heading out, a long arvo walk to try get a certain someone to nap, and then a super quick dinner out to make baby boy’s bedtime (which was still late πŸ˜’)

And I am sitting here on the couch in my pjs, absolutely pooped, considering an earlier than normal bedtime than even a weekday!

It’s Saturday night. There is a tea on the coffee table for me.

No wait. It’s lemon and honey in hot water.

Not even tea!

Omg, I sound so olddddd (but I’m also so, so comfy right now 😊).

#2802 Happy for 7 months

I feel like saying’ already?’ But that would be ignoring the early days where I begged for a time like this to come.

A time where I make baby boy giggle on the daily.

A time where nights aren’t dreaded.

A time where I don’t lose it when days don’t go to plan.

A time where he doesn’t scream and cry in the car.

A time where I can enjoy him growing up, and eating two solids a day.

So instead I’ll say ‘happy to be here.’ πŸ™β€

#2752 Bird by bird, night by night

In life we gather stories that inspire us, amuse us and help us to work out the world around us.

I read Bird by Bird, the how-to writing/biography book by Anne Lamott, many, many years ago now, and was super inspired by the story she shared which the book is named after.

The story goes that there was a boy who had to do a school project about birds. He jgnored the task ’til the last minute, so that on the day before it was due, the boy was panicked at the kitchen table, looking at all the books on birds strewn in front of him.

The boy, overwhelmed at the task and unsure where to begin, didn’t know what to do. The boy’s father said “Bird by bird, son. Just take it bird by bird.”

I’ve come to love this story, with Hubbie and i frequently applying it to our own life.

You can’t achieve great, insurmountable things all at once… but if you take it bit by bit, step by step, or as is the boy’s example, bird by bird, you CAN get there.

And so I find myself thinking this very sentiment tonight. Nights are killing me at the moment. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture, and I have had far more bad nights than good, for 2 months now.

But, hope. In the form of a sleep consultant who I’m booked in with in a few weeks time.

Surely she can help me with baby boy’s sleep. She has to.

But, I need to get there first. It’s 18 days away.

18 nights.

And so I’m grateful to this little tale of birds, for reminding me that step by step I can get there, just as step by step I have gotten here.

Step by step.

Bird by bird.

Night by night. πŸŒ‘πŸŒ›πŸ™β€

#2730 Help in the night

You might have to get up, what feels like, endless times at night for your baby.

To feed.

To soothe.

To burp.

To change.

To walk.

But when you’re at breaking point and your hubbie gets up too, to help you…

That’s everything. πŸ™πŸ™Œ

#2719 Accepting this season

I’ve spoken about honouring it, but acceptance can sometimes come harder.

I kinda was of the belief that things wouldn’t stop when baby boy arrived, and that it all had to do with baby girl. She went to school, had after-school activities as well as friends. I couldn’t just halt all of that because of him, right?

And we didn’t. But I’ve realised, other stuff has had to give, big time.

For such a go-er and do-er such as myself, this has been hard. I was contemplating all this
today as we stayed inside, our refuge from the cold, thinking ‘well at least my down time is in Winter.’

And sure, that’s true But I do need to look back on baby girl’s journey to realise there’s a season for everything, and it DOES pass, the good, the bad, all of it.

So when I’m feeling tired, spent, run-down, and like I’m missing out on all the fun, I have to remind myself…

We wanted this.
This stage is fleeting.
It’s OK to slow down.

And as we sat at home on a Saturday night, me on the floor next to baby boy, he rolled over, his first proper one from tummy to side/back.

And that’s the beautiful season we’re in. πŸ™β€

#2706 Distracted

We sit on the couch tonight in the dark, only the light of the TV filling the room.

Baby boy is meant to be having his last feed before bed.

Only he’s not feeding. He’s staring distractedly and curiously at all of us.

And we stare, just as distracted and curious, back at him. 😍😍😍😍

#2691 Welcomed with love

A warm house.


Home-made pizza.

Family and friends.

And love all around.

Look, we don’t go out on Saturday nights much at all at the moment, unless there is very good reason.

And what better reason than being welcomed warmly into someone’s home?

Last week, it was a wedding.

This week, it was an invitation.

We may get to places early… and leave early… it’s only this phase… this season of life we’re in…

With any luck, in time baby boy will be a party animal… like his sister. 🀣

And then we won’t go home at all!

Grateful for family and friends, and feeling love, feeling welcomed. πŸ™