#2945 The little things with my girl

I know this is not ‘the last time,’ but still I found myself wistfully observing all the little things baby girl and I do on the daily, on this day, the last day of her school holidays.

It’s been such a busy summer school holiday period. There was Christmas, Christening planning, I had a heap of health issues, and then all of a sudden, bang! There was like, a week left of holidays…

And now here we are. The day before.

I took all of her in as we did our morning walk to help baby boy sleep. She takes charge willingly, pushing the pram for the first part of the trip. I of course let her do this happily – anyone that helps me with one of my many daily things with baby boy I accept graciously.

And I don’t have any family and friends around who can help me on a regular basis, but I realised today she is my person. She is the one I lean on, and this whole time that Hubbie has been working, she has been my constant, day in and day out.

The weather was perfect. Still. Sunny. We stopped at the park as we usually do, and she had a play, before we continued on our journey.

There’s a cat I noticed before the holidays, that would come out of a particular house, it was so friendly and almost coming out to greet me as I’d walk by with the pram, but of course this cat has been awol the entire holiday period…

Until today!

It was actually in the driveway, and I was so happy to finally show baby girl the cat I had mentioned to her.

I love our time together, the things we do, and I already can’t wait until the next holidays (and it’s a short term term 1 too!)

But I am also so happy for her to be starting school, because I know she is. 🥰🥰

#2935 Perspective the night before

I am so damn busy I won’t even proof this post.

But it’s been a mad, mad day. I was earlier snapping it a bit at my family at home, rushing to do this, rushing to do that… why wasn’t this done earlier, why do I have so much left at the end, etc etc etc.

Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing, if only for the fact that you must STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING and feed your baby. I was doing this at his bedtime, momentarily paused from going mad, on my phone at the same time, and something jarred me.

Someone on social media had posted a sick photo of their niece, asking for donations for the sickness.

She was a year old.

My heart dropped. Everything fell into place. All my running and whinging and complaining and stressing, ALL of it, felt so very insignificant.

Suddenly, I was like, let me rush.

Let me be late going to bed.

Let me run around like crazy tomorrow morning.

Let me feel this crazy spell we’re under, because we are celebrating a beautiful thing tomorrow, our son’s christening. Something that at many times in the past, I seriously doubted I would say.

I am blessed. We are blessed. As long as we are healthy, and have each other, that is enough.

Stuff the details. The insignificant crap.

Tomorrow we are celebrating the most joyous occasion ever with our loved ones, and I for one can’t wait.


#2915 Vows, hope and help

This year has seen me leave myself last.

I’ve forgotten myself.

I haven’t thought of my wellbeing.

Much to my detriment.

After several months of breastfeeding pain, today I privately saw a lactation consultant, hoping she could point me in the right direction to solve my health issues.

I’ve been up and down about doing this in the past, for many reasons.

My health has been down, but also up.


The time factor. Did I really have to drop everything and put myself first?

The question of, could she really help?

I kept talking myself out of it – a bad thing.

I’ve realised in recent days that I’ve been causing myself so much pain by putting everyone and everything else first before me.





House stuff.



The list goes on and on.

And though I don’t quite believe in the whole new year’s resolution stuff (believe what works for you I say, whether it’s a new year or a new day) I am actually vowing myself one thing as I enter 2024 (but I’m starting already).

I am totally putting myself first.

I will not wait until my health deteriorates to make an urgent call at the last minute.

I will tend to myself, with love, with care, with consideration, because let’s face it, if I’m suffering, then my family is f$%ked.

True story. 🤣

I’m thankful for this kind and educated soul that came to me today, and praying hard that her suggestions are the solutions to my health issues. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

#2909 Christmas Eve relief

This Christmas Eve looks a whole lot different to ones past.

Firstly, the thing I am perhaps most grateful for at the moment is the diagnosis I received today. I’m grateful because it’s one I haven’t had before, and fingers crossed the mastitis (yikes, yes) that the doc says I have will be killed with the meds I rushed down to the pharmacy to get this evening.

So yep, things are different on a Christmas Eve with a new bubs in tow. 🙄🤦‍♀️

But there are the other things too. Like, it’s baby boy’s first Christmas. He doesn’t know it, but we do.

It’s also the first year as a family of 4… the first year that baby girl has a little brother to celebrate this most festive day with… the first year that I am more hopeful and grateful than ever, for the little things:

Family. Love. Peace.

Health. Sleep. 🤣

I am finally on the couch after a truly hectic day. I am eager to see baby girl’s and baby boy’s faces tomorrow morning as they open up our presents to them, but also as they get to see what Santa has gotten them this year…

The happiness and laughter will fill the air, but I will feel it more if my health continues to improve, as nothing makes you more grateful for good health than feeling poorly for so long.

But I think what will be most entertaining, is this simple fact: baby boy will have more fun with the wrapping paper, and trying to eat it, than he will playing with his new toys.

No wait. I know for a fact there are a few plush toys in there that he will love cuddling. 🥰

Loving where I am this year, this time, this Christmas Eve, with my beautiful family, my beautiful kids. With everything else upside down and uncertain and all… I still love it. 🙏🎄

#2484 The chiro-justor

So in my journey to get to where I am, I have seen many, many people.

And many, many, is a true understatement.

I know my body, and things about health that the normal person would have no idea about. And yet conversely, I know very little because I’m still seeking the help of health professionals… especially while pregnant. 🤰

In my travels, I came across a chiropractor, and since I fell pregnant right after I started seeing her, when she suggested I start to see her boss instead who knows a lot more about pregnancy, I happily agreed.

People often think of chiropractors as practitioners who make you go “Ouch!” and crack you every way possible. That has NOT been the case with both of these ladies that I have now come to know, after today.

It’s all about adjustment.

Moving the limbs here, gentle stretching, applying pressure, and then the swift flick! If you have gone to a chiro you’ll know exactly what I mean. But it is very bearable, and they work with you, not against you.

‘T,’ the chiro boss that I met today, gave me some very valuable information about nerves, and while for the next few months we’ll be focusing on everything being in position for this pregnancy and subsequent birth, I have high hopes for her helping me with some other health stuff beyond baby.

I have seen enough people by now that I’m instantly aware if they have a wealth of new knowledge for me, or know jack all and my cat is more perceptive than them. I have a good feeling about ‘T’ and it’s truly a wonderful feeling knowing that all of my constant searching and searching, has come up trumps with many great practitioners now on my side.

Fighting for your health, and for answers doesn’t often come easy, but trust me, it is worth all the effort in the world.

Here’s to the specialists in their field… may we celebrate them, may we spread their reach, may we find health and balance through them. 🙏

#2483 Bladder kicks

I’ve been complaining for the second half of the day about baby’s kicks.

Rather, not them in itself, but where they’re being focused.

Baby is kicking me internally… not towards my tummy for me to see, but inside, near my ORGANS.

Making it worse is the fact that it’s been around my bladder area tonight, making me squirm constantly and have to go to the toilet because, well I already have to go more frequently, and of course you have someone kick your bladder and see how you feel!

Throw in some existing health issues around that area, and I’m kinda like…



But then I kinda realised what I was saying…

And thinking…

And feeling…

Upset about baby kicking?

Nah. No way. Can’t be.

I would have done anything to be in this position a year ago. And now look at me.

Squirming in my spot and adjusting so baby hopefully moves too.

I’ll take it. Uncomfortable and all, I’ll take it. 🙏🥰💖🤰

#2445 An ode to my doctor

I would dare say that people wouldn’t often want to dedicate their blog posts to their GPs, but by the same token doctors can save lives, and in some way, so has mine.

I had a follow-up telehealth with my specialist GP this afternoon to go over some questions I had following my hospital appointment earlier this week. We ran through a few things, and when I asked her if she had to see me anytime soon, in person, she said “Well, actually it’s great you emailed me, because I did want to let you know…”

She was finishing up. Rather, she was being forced by her doctor to halt all work, so that her health issues which had resurfaced, would hopefully go away. She was trying to relocate and make sure all her current patients were going to be looked after before stepping away, and we spent the next five minutes talking about contacts and where to go from here and what to do.

“I hope you get better soon, but I’m going to miss you!” I had to say it. She had made an impact on my life. From that moment 3 years ago when I first walked into her office, she had been kind but also firm when necessary. I had cried that first appointment, knowing that the words she was telling me were true. But i also had immediate trust in her, and that’s something very hard to find with just any GP.

I listened to her instructions over the years… and then she listened to mine. I felt we had a good doctor/patient relationship. I had gone along with many of her requests, and so when it came time for me to put up my hand, she gladly obliged.

There’s not many people who see your angst, know your story, see your tears. A woman I only went to for health-related stuff, ended up being a great confidante, someone who I trusted wholeheartedly, who I still do trust to this day.

I felt quite sad hanging up. We had started this journey together. She asked me to send a photo of baby when they were born. I said “for sure!”

She really has made a difference in my life, and I only hope this hopefully temporary break helps her and she can come back to being my GP… not just for me. But there are so many others like me needing help, I know she can do so much good out there.

I sat down with you, and unveiled my hearts dreams

All my fears, my hopes and full medical history.

You listened patiently, you understood my woes

But when it was time to face facts, you let me know.

Over the years you have done so much

So many ailments to you I have trusted

And then the miracle occurred which we both couldn’t believe

Our hopes had been answered – I was having a baby

Now you need to look after your own good self

To take a break from this world of the sick and ill health

I’m hopeful when we next meet there will be more good news

I’ll have a sweet little photo of bub, just for you

Because you deserve it.

Many thanks doc. I’m forever in your debt.🙏💖

#2237 Little step by little step

I’ve been slowly coming to a conclusion for a while now, and when I said it out loud today I realised it had culminated in an awakening of sorts.

We lead busy lives. We want to work and make money, but we want to play. We want to go out, be social, have a life…

But we want to cook healthy, home-cooked meals and eat the good stuff as nature intended.

But then we get tired and bored and want to splurge on takeaway and nights out too.

We want more than what we had for our kids. We want to encourage them at school, work, after-school activities… yet they must have EVERYTHING at home too. All the gadgets, the games, the clothes, the toys. All of it.

No wanting is allowed. Not for them, not for us. We are an instant, wanted-it-yesterday society, and we are spreading ourselves THIN.

How then do we achieve anything, and maintain any kind of work-life-EVERYTHING balance?

The answer is boring, but so simple:

In really, really small achievable steps.

I was having this talk with Hubbie today. There is lots we want to do with our house. Little and big renos, here, there and everywhere. Some we must outsource… others we can do ourselves.

And it was here that I was breaking down how to tackle one such task:

“First we get the sample paint.

Then you sand the window frame. Just a tiny section.

We’ll test it first, take a step back and see how it looks.

Then we’ll paint the whole frame.

Then we’ll paint all the windows, but one at a time… when we feel like it.

When the mood strikes.

When we have TIME.”

Ahh, that all allusive mother f*&^er, time. Yes, we want to do it all, and so our pockets of time aren’t big chunks, rather little itty-bitty pieces that we must work around and adapt to, to make anything work.

My gratitude today is realising how to achieve this.

Not by wishing for grand stretches of time to achieve massive jobs.

But by identifying the little pockets we have, squeezing what we can into then when possible, and following through.

Whether that be a home reno.

Whether that be researching for a new home.

Whether that be getting fitter.

Whether that be writing a book!

We can’t make these things happen overnight.

We have to first accept that

1) it will take time, and

2) we must make it super-duper manageable, and put it into little itty-bitty baby steps.

Then we can achieve it ALL.

But slowly. Oh. So. Slowly.

That is the ride that’s called LIFE.

Photo by Akshaya Premjith on Pexels.com

#2096 Your grass is greener

My gratitude today is a bit of a weird one, because it comes by way of comparison…

You know the saying, “the grass is greener on the other side?”

Well, what if you looked over the fence and found that the grass was brown… brittle… maybe even non-existent?

I’ve had many jobs now where I’ve had access to media of all sorts. Much of it has been entertainment and fictional. But some of it in the past has been based on fact and quite difficult to take in. And now as I work in the education sector, you can imagine how much more realistic and factual things have become.

As such, I was across some content today that was discussing serious disease and infection in the body. I watched, I listened… and I grew depressed.

Whenever I see something like this, I’m reminded of me and bestie in year 12 biology, studying hard and musing that there are A LOT of things that can go wrong in your body or kill you. Sobering thoughts, which is why I DID NOT follow on with that theme in my further study.

But it’s very true, and very sobering. In jobs like this, I am reminded gently time and time again that things can very easily go wrong, and in seeing that I realise how freaking lucky I am.

Hubbie came home and I was like “you know what? If you’re having a half-good day and your health is in not bad shape, well count your lucky stars and shut up. Be grateful.”

Which is what it always comes back to, right? Being grateful. 🙏

Be grateful for the beautiful life you have. Even with your problems, someone wishes they were you right now.

Someone wishes they were on your grass.

Photo by Bob Ward on Pexels.com