#2950 Accepting the hard truths of life

Well, after avoiding getting sick from Hubbie for the past two weeks, overnight it happened.

It got sick. I am sick.

But this is not where this story begins. The story begins almost 20 years ago, when I was reading the well-known book Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff.

Written by Richard Carlson, his series of books designed to help you stress less about everyday stuff, I consider one of the first self-help books in that genre. It started to help me see things in a different light, ever so slowly, and I was extremely saddened when many years later, I found out he had actually died suddenly on a plane flight due to a pulmonary embolism while travelling to promote his latest book. His work has been survived by his wife Kristine who continues to share and spread his messages of wisdom.

Inspired yet very heavy stuff. Over the years I annually purchased one of those daily page-a-day calendars, and a few times they were the Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff ones – themed to a different point of wisdom every day, from his life-changing books. I continued to buy different quote related ones, but it had actually been years and years and years since I had bought one of his series ones.

When I went to buy the latest daily calendar for this year – no I didn’t pick Don’t Sweat. I went in an entirely different direction, choosing to steer away from the quote calendars to something more visual. The choice was a bucket-list style holiday one, where a different part of the world (or a different activity) was shown per page, almost like a ‘save for later’ type thing, where you could save up the pics as a kind of bucket list for places you would actually like to go to one day.

What I didn’t realise as January began, was that the calendar was northern hemisphere geared… that is, its January is filled with Winter activities, kind of mute to me here in the southern hemisphere, on a 19 degree Summer’s night. 🙄

A week or so ago I was in Officeworks with baby girl, and near the registers were a bunch of discount items – including some daily calendars! They were reduced to $5 because well, January was well and truly half-gone, and nestled in between all the bargains was Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff.

I immediately grabbed it.

That visual bucket-list daily calendar is now designated to my work desk (a lower traffic area) as opposed to Don’t Sweat’s position near the kitchen.

And well, it’s working all over again.

Just today, I was thinking oh f*&king woe is me.

Look at the past year I’ve had. Sleeplessness, regressions, breast pain and continued bodily aches and pains have been part of my life since.

Every time one thing ends… another new problem presents.

Even now with my breast issues, they have seemingly resolved… and then the lower abdomen pain (from holding baby boy) started.

Then the lower back aches.

Hubbie got sick… fine, that was him.

Until I got sick.


But then, the quote I read today on Carlson’s daily calendar was so appropriate it was almost scary.

It read:

Surrender to the Fact That Life Isn’t Fair

One of the mistakes many of us make is that we feel sorry for ourselves… thinking that life should be fair, or that someday it will be. It’s not and it won’t. When we make this mistake, we tend to spend a lot of time wallowing or complaining about what’s wrong with life.


This has been me to a T this past year. I’ve fallen off the gratitude bandwagon a bit, and I guess, well, I can’t be overly hard on myself either, I have had some truly challenging stuff thrown my way.

But I’ve forgotten my values and where I’m from, and in doing so become a little entitled in my way of thinking, believing I’m owed something from the Universe because of all of this hardship that’s come my way.

But the Universe don’t owe me anything.

Shit happens. Bad things happen. People get sick. This is life.

There is no fairness in life. We need to make our life for ourselves, only we attach meaning to the events and circumstances that befall us, and either I can wallow and be


Or I can grab a couple of tissues (or the box) blow my nose all day and get on with it.

Every time I’m brought back to who I am, I become a little more modest, a little more humble, a little more appreciative.

Thank you Richard. Your teachings still continue to motivate and inspire me. 🙏

(I’ve been trying to do the latter all day 🤧)

#2877 The Mum mention

I just sat on the couch and was feeling frazzled, exhausted and spent… and then checked my social media to find one of my best friends had sent me this:

“Mention a mum that is doing a really good job. Sometimes they just need to hear it.”

Yes, I really did need that. 🙏

Tell your women friends they are amazing. Often. You might just be giving them the much-needed lift they need.

#2752 Bird by bird, night by night

In life we gather stories that inspire us, amuse us and help us to work out the world around us.

I read Bird by Bird, the how-to writing/biography book by Anne Lamott, many, many years ago now, and was super inspired by the story she shared which the book is named after.

The story goes that there was a boy who had to do a school project about birds. He jgnored the task ’til the last minute, so that on the day before it was due, the boy was panicked at the kitchen table, looking at all the books on birds strewn in front of him.

The boy, overwhelmed at the task and unsure where to begin, didn’t know what to do. The boy’s father said “Bird by bird, son. Just take it bird by bird.”

I’ve come to love this story, with Hubbie and i frequently applying it to our own life.

You can’t achieve great, insurmountable things all at once… but if you take it bit by bit, step by step, or as is the boy’s example, bird by bird, you CAN get there.

And so I find myself thinking this very sentiment tonight. Nights are killing me at the moment. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture, and I have had far more bad nights than good, for 2 months now.

But, hope. In the form of a sleep consultant who I’m booked in with in a few weeks time.

Surely she can help me with baby boy’s sleep. She has to.

But, I need to get there first. It’s 18 days away.

18 nights.

And so I’m grateful to this little tale of birds, for reminding me that step by step I can get there, just as step by step I have gotten here.

Step by step.

Bird by bird.

Night by night. 🌑🌛🙏❤

#2421 A full rainbow

I’ve been seeing so many rainbows lately.

Today baby girl noticed it and called me from the other side of the house to witness it. When I saw it, I knew I had to take a photo.

It was a full rainbow.

You don’t see these often. I don’t see these often. I even went outside in the falling rain to catch this shot.

I know, I know. Of course there are rainbows about, look at all the rain we’ve been having.

But that fave quote of mine goes…

“No rain, no rainbows.”

More good things are coming. 💖🌈

#2415 The big reveal

Exactly 10 weeks ago, something huge happened.

It was momentous. Unbelievable. It felt like a miracle.

It was a miracle.

An online dictionary states the meaning of miracle as: “an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.”

Well, maybe some parts were explicable, but if you knew the whole story, you yourself would call it a kind of miracle.

A kind of magic, as my friend Freddie Mercury says.

On this miraculous day forwards, I started to let people know in a series of codes that something was up with me, in my life, but by not actually telling them that something was up. 🤔

On the day in question, I called both my Mum and my sister. I wanted to talk to them, to hear their voice, for them to hear my voice. I had planned this, I had planned this all again… if I couldn’t see them on this momentous day, then I would at least talk to them over the phone, and tell them in my own hidden code way, speaking happily and easily, that things had finally turned.

Then I turned on my friends. I deliberately started picking words for my wordle night centred around a certain ‘theme.’ This was also a pre-planned event, something I had thought about for months before it actually happened. This went on for 9 weeks, and only in the last few days have they all found out the news, and my little wordle plan, tee hee hee.

I will now reveal that I also told you. ALL OF YOU. Exactly 10 weeks ago on this day, I started to say something.

Let me take you back there.

I penned a post, titled “Time for a poem.” Now this post wasn’t just marked under my “Gratitude” category, like every other post, it was also marked as “Special Edition” for a reason.

I have dabbled in poetry in the past, that is true. However this was a poem, a plan I had for a long time before this beautiful day came along. I always knew I was going to tell you, you, and you in code, and so I sat down, my mind reeling, my life changed for the better, hesitant and unsure and excited and cautious and scared and every emotion, but also HOPEFUL.

So freaking darn hopeful as I always have been.

And I wrote.

You need to look closely at the poem… I will screenshot it for you now.

If you take the first letter of each sentence (not line, sentence), you will see it spells something…


I might just be…

And on the following night, I finished my current poetry slam as I called it. Here are the screenshots again:



And I was.

I had done the home test the first night, and by the second day where I did my part 2 poetry slam, it had been confirmed via blood test. I was pregnant.

Words and emotions cannot even begin to describe how I felt. I’d been so cautious and nervous and tentative in those early days and weeks, and I think because of this my emotions now spill over, crying from happiness easily, at the drop of a bib, a baby mention, a thought about the beautiful future… all my happiness and love and gratitude is now spilling over.

When I began my gratitude journey all those years ago, I had no idea then that one of my biggest tests was to be this one: falling pregnant. I had no idea what lay in store, and perhaps it’s better I didn’t. I’ve gone down paths I never thought I would, seen people I’d never imagined, felt the depth of human emotion, and wished and hoped and prayed like I never had before.

After that day I kept dropping hints to you all, though these were teeny-tiny! Here are some of them:

In #2363 I wrote about looking forwards and how things were dragging. They were. I was desperate to get to at least 8 weeks (my self-determined first safe spot) and I also wrote about being tired, which I was then… very, very tired. Early pregnancy symptoms.

In #2364 I wrote of symmetry. The entire post is relevant, but my final line I love most: “As if there was ever any doubt.”

In #2365 I was overcome with fatigue and had to lie down. I never lie down during the day unless I am sick… or pregnant. 😉

In #2366 that ‘miracle’ word pops up when I talk about mother nature and sunsets. The metaphor is there.

In #2367 I was at my parents and enjoyed some home-made Sarma, known to non-Balkans as meat stuffed cabbage rolls, and oh my God me and baby loved it. I am loving salty foods from way back then, and the Sarma was just so agreeable to me! OMG!

In #2371 I was counting down, not just to the end of winter, but to telling my family and friends, and to getting to the end of the first trimester. A clue appears at the end of this post: “baby steps.” 😁

In #2375 I saw a heap of rainbows that day. They are a definite sign for me, and seeing the amount of them that I have since finding out I’m pregnant, has confirmed for me how true that is.

In #2378 I wrote “Her surprises.” The presents I spoke of that we bought for baby girl, were actually big sister items, and we told her that night that she was going to be a big sister.

She’s been loving and kissing my belly since, and I already know how lucky this baby will be to have her. 💖💖

In #2380 we saw 4 rainbows…. 4! More beautiful signs that things were progressing nicely. “That HAS to mean that better times are ahead.”

In #2388 I wrote of nicer things that were to come. My last line “At least things are still shining.”

In #2389 I wrote of my love for the Madonna song ‘Rain.’ There’s this quote, well there are many quotes that have actually saved me during this journey, but one that I am able to truly feel now is the quote

“Go laugh in the places you’ve cried. Change the narrative.”

I’ve cried through so many songs, and this song of release, with the metaphor of rain and storms, hit me in a different way.

“The last time I had listened to it I was different. The last time I had written about it I was different. Today, again different. I thought about life, the unexpected beautiful and difficult things that hit us in the face, throwing us off balance, I guess, a bit like unexpected rain.”

‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… it’s about learning to dance in the rain.’


In #2396 I wrote about watching the Elvis movie with two of my friends. I mentioned needing super-comfy pants, and I couldn’t have felt this more. After a filling dinner, and being 11 weeks pregnant, I needed my trakkies so bad, but obviously still was wearing and able to fit into my jeans (barely), so in the dark of the cinema actually unzipped my jeans and popped my button so I could breathe and not be in pain for 2 and a half hours! I don’t think my friends saw a thing. 😬😆

In #2397 I wrote about “Family abundance.” This is the night we told my parents and sister’s fam that we were expecting. Happy screams, shock and wonder filled the air!

In #2398 I wrote “We are so close!” It was the last day of July, and I was excited about August and ALL that it would bring.

Spring begins to spring forth.

I for one, am sooo ready for this next stage.


In #2399 I spoke of my love for August.

“Everything in abundance. Happy times, happiness, everything growing in happiness.” (Including my belly!)

In #2400 I said “Just because.” An important blood test came back good, and I was crying from happiness, just sobbing. All the tension and unknowningness and uncertainty that had been plaguing me just went away. I was so unbelievably light and happy.

“I had a really good day. I feel like things are starting to fall into place, for me, for my family, and just living in and appreciating, relishing this every moment, makes me so happy, makes my heart full.”

In #2402 I talked about the cakes that I ordered for mine and baby girl’s birthdays… only thing is, mine was a baby reveal cake! We were going to announce our pregnancy during cake time for our birthday.

“My cake is the one I’m a little more excited about.”

How true that was! 😆😁

In #2405 I wrote “Better here than there.” Better to be busy and running around for something great, than to be like we were the last two years, sad and in lockdown.

“This year is sooo different, and despite the busy-ness and the craziness of it, I am so grateful for it also.”

Well, now you know why it’s so different, and it’s not just because lockdowns are over!

In #2406 I said decorations were off my to-do list, and said “We got some really special, nice ones.”

Along with the baby reveal cake, we got balloons that said ‘Oh baby,’ ‘Baby’ and one that had a young girl and read ‘I’m going to be a big sister.’


#2411 was our HUGE day. Our close family and friends finally found out. And at the end of my post, after writing about hope, not losing it, and hanging on, I said it “was a big, and very special day.”

The day after in #2412 we told more people via phone who hadn’t been able to be there, dear family and friends. Therefore, “Spreading good news.” 💖💖

And that leads us to here! This moment, this reveal, this announcement. 🥰🥰

I am beyond happy. I also have a lot to share, and I’m still working out how to say it. Whether I say it via this blogging forum, or whether I write about it in another format, be sure that this is a subject I’ve learnt a lot about, having first-hand experience of all the trials and tribulations, and therefore have a lot of very strong opinions as well as hard facts from my own life.

I will end on this. You never know what is going on in someone’s life. Don’t be nosy. Don’t be rude.

Be kind. Be a friend. Be there for them. That is the best thing you can possibly do. If you do that and they need you, trust me, they will reach out.

I have of tonne of thank yous to make. Many of you reading this will get them in the coming months.

But first of all, for joining me on this incredibly hard but very rewarding journey… a big thank you.

We’ve only just begun. 🙏💖🤰🤰

#2349 The coolest Aunty

We were at my sister’s last night, and as usual baby girl brought her backpack, ipad, books, her teddies and the kitchen sink. 🙄😁

It became apparent late last night when we got home, that one of her toys was missing and a quick look in the car today confirmed to us that she had most likely left it over there.

So I sent sis a message, asking her to keep an eye out for the cat plush toy with the whiskers. 😊

The response I got, is the thing all aunty’s should aspire to do.

We should ALL take a page out of her book!

These are ‘some’ of the photos I got!

She had me pass on messages to baby girl too…

“Thanks for letting me sleep over!”

“Meow meow!”

“I’m having fun with Caramel.” (Their cat!)

“I’m about to have a snack and can’t decide.”

We all absolutely loved it! It was so fun and inspiring, and it brought that light-heartedness when baby girl was already missing one of her favourite stuffed toys.

It was Hubbie who said what a cool aunty sis is, and I couldn’t agree more! We should all do these beautiful things for the little ones in our lives, whether they are our own kids, our nieces or nephews, or just precious kids we know…

Baby girl had the biggest smile on her face, and later wrote back:

“I miss her have a wonderful week at someone else’s house.”


#2307 Query for a passion

Another day, another successful session at the KidLitVic conference.

In one way, although I wasn’t asked to submit my manuscript, with the only option being to send a query letter, I felt more rejuvenated about today than yesterday when I was asked (after much ‘constructive’ criticism!) to submit some chapters of my manuscript.

It’s what happens when you find someone who thinks like you.

Who likes things the way you do.

Who may have the same background as you, or reads the same things you also did as a child.

When they start to speak out loud the things you’ve always wondered, quashing all of those doubts, you go “WOAH! Where have you been all my life?”

I walked away inspired, buzzing, and so invigorated. I was absolutely popping at my desk as I wrote up a query letter immediately, pouring my entire heart and soul out onto the screen.

Stuff professionalism… to some extent. I gave it my all. You only have one chance to make a first impression. I said everything, was probably quite pathetic and daggy at times, but I don’t care. I expressed my truth, spoke from my soul, shared my passion, and then I hit send.

Then I exhaled.

And now, I wait.

Photo by furkanfdemir on Pexels.com