#3080 Finding time

Wednesdays are always so go-go-go.

I have been working them in the afternoons for the last few months, and it’s Hubbie’s only full mid-week day off, so we spend it doing odd jobs, grocery shopping, any appointments we can’t do elsewhere because we need baby boy minded, and then of course, we need to squeeze in coffee somehow, somewhere. 😜

This all happens one after another, and before I know it, it’s after midday, and I’m looking at the time and saying to Hubbie “quick, we need to get home so I can log on for my shift!”

Then there’s the mad dash home, I switch on all the things, and log in in the nick of time. 😅

But today, there were less things to do. We did a quick coffee spot, some groceries…

Then we were home, a full 90 minutes before my work shift started.


Of course, I found so many things to do around the house! There are always things. But I was really happy to tick little things off my list here and there, and I don’t know, there is something so thrilling as suddenly realising “I have some extra time here…”

Welcome to middle age. 🤣

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