#3081 Raking leaves

Today I randomly found myself raking leaves.

I actually enjoy tending to the outdoor areas. I am looking forward to the day where I don’t need to be by baby boy’s side and holding his hand, watching everything he touches and tries to put into his mouth…

The day where he can be there in my vicinity, you know digging, or picking up leaves (but not eating them!) and I can be like, weeding, tending to plants…

Or raking. 🍂🍃

I find great satisfaction and cleansing in the act of raking. I haven’t done it in so long. I can only really do a handful of things indoors, outdoors is still out of the question because I have to watch baby boy so carefully.

But today we were at the side of our house, and he was walking slowly, and I noticed the rake just leaning there against the wall… Autumn leaves have been strewn over the side of our house for months now, neither myself or Hubbie, the outdoor man, have had time to do anything about it.

So much goes on the backburner when you have a little one. Projects, passions, little jobs, anything that isn’t urgent, is temporarily bye bye.

But on a whim, today I grabbed the rake. Baby boy watched me, clearly curious by what I was doing, and with one eye going back to him repeatedly, I raked up a small pile of leaves…

Then as I walked down the side of the house with him (observing what he was picking up, leaves of course) again, I raked another pile… and then another.

I had 3 piles of leaves raked up, and oh my goodness, the satisfaction and relief I gained! I cannot even! 🙏

It doesn’t even make sense… but maybe it’s got to do with doing things I’ve been wanting to do, or just having that little sense of, ‘oh, things will get easier again.’

I don’t know. But I really liked it. 💖

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