#3090 Saturday Night In no .11

It’s cold. It’s Winter.

We’ve been tired (possibly fighting something off?)

It’s Saturday.

Ahhh. Saturday.

So we cooked, and ordered in too (hot chips, a must). We call it our healthy junk food night.

I enjoyed some red.

Baby boy loves his food so much, bless, just watching him eating out of his little bowl is adorable. 😍

Baby girl was feeling a bit worse for wear, but has since definitely perked up after eating. 🙏

And then we just sat on the floor passing the ball to each other, just some old fashioned fun. 🥰

Waiting for me for dessert is a Maxibon ice cream! I’ve had cravings since Hubbie had one late one night when we stopped for petrol on the way home after a later night out. 😆

All I need after that, is sleep! Solid sleep! (Please God 🙏).

Actually, what I really mean is… please baby boy. 🙏🙏😆😆

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