#3093 The apps that connect us

Yesterday I was grateful for the apps that keep me entertained on my phone.

Today as I ponder, I realise there are so many apps that connect me to the closest people in my life.

Messenger, sms, whatsapp, instagram, and now the new one, signal…

I have group messenger apps, one with my mum and sister, the other with my besties.

Then I have separate messenger chats with nearly all of these people. Plus my cousins.

Oh, but then I speak to all of these people via instagram too. 🤣

Additionally, one of them on whatsapp.

And one of them on signal. 😄

That’s not counting the sms.’ I message Hubbie mainly on this platform, along with half of the above people, and then I have baby girl of course, who messages me via messenger kids. 🥰

So if I ever do feel far away from these loved ones, or feel lonely, I need only open my phone and text to one of them in a variety of ways.

People like to knock technology, but really, without these apps, life for me would feel a whole lot lonelier. 🙏

#2874 Besties and boys

It was wonderful to catch up with some of our besties today, and have our boys in the same room.

Even though they’re close in age, they’re still at an early age where months apart feels like ages. They can’t play together – yet – but when they do, I think it will be a kind of fun chaos. 😁🥰

Still, it was fun to watch them both, see them growing and learning, hitting milestones and interacting with the world around them, and it’ll only be a matter of time before they’ll be interacting with each other and seeing who can bounce higher on the trampoline.

God help us. 🤣

#2556 Girly and sweet

I had some recent good updates on my pregnancy and progress today, so I gave myself the allowance…

for indulgence. 😍

I had some mummy-daughter time with my princess today, where we went to the Main Street and I said “you choose where we go!”

She wanted to sit in a cafe for babycino and coffee… and some other things.

I said indulgence, didn’t I?

The girly and sweet theme continued into tonight, with a dinner catch up with my besties. I tell you, nothing fills up my well as much as being around my people, and they definitely fall into that category.

And, following lead from earlier, right after dinner…

More sweet. If you know how ‘good’ I’ve had to be, you would seriously applaud this, trust me. 🤣

It occurred to me at some point today that it was at that exact Pancake Parlour booth, 6 months ago, I was 6 weeks pregnant, seeing my friends for the first time after finding out that fact, and holding onto this big baby secret which was so exciting but still so early to share.

And tonight, 28 weeks later, same Pancake Parlour, same booth, same friends, lots of thanks and gratitude, but stronger love. 🙏❤

It’s all come very nicely full circle, and I can’t help but wonder two things:

Are all these girly and sweet vibes trying to tell me something? A theme for the future perhaps?

Second, seeing as the catch ups have come full circle, I don’t know if I’ll make next months catch up… I think baby will come early!

I’ll just have to host the catch up at my place… with the new addition close by, of course. 🥰

Now that’s sweet. 🤱