#3093 The apps that connect us

Yesterday I was grateful for the apps that keep me entertained on my phone.

Today as I ponder, I realise there are so many apps that connect me to the closest people in my life.

Messenger, sms, whatsapp, instagram, and now the new one, signal…

I have group messenger apps, one with my mum and sister, the other with my besties.

Then I have separate messenger chats with nearly all of these people. Plus my cousins.

Oh, but then I speak to all of these people via instagram too. 🤣

Additionally, one of them on whatsapp.

And one of them on signal. 😄

That’s not counting the sms.’ I message Hubbie mainly on this platform, along with half of the above people, and then I have baby girl of course, who messages me via messenger kids. 🥰

So if I ever do feel far away from these loved ones, or feel lonely, I need only open my phone and text to one of them in a variety of ways.

People like to knock technology, but really, without these apps, life for me would feel a whole lot lonelier. 🙏

#2977 The power of messages

All hail the technology message.

The sms. The messenger chat. The instagram drop. The facebook tag. The whatsapp notification.

All of the text forms. Because I’m at a stage of life, where if I had to speak to people on the phone to communicate, well I wouldn’t be communicating with ANYONE.

Life is so busy. I get messages via all of the above platforms here and there. I text back when I can. When I get a minute of peace.

If I had to call someone? It would never happen! Firstly it’s not silent. So often I am messaging with baby boy napping somewhere nearby, so I really do need to be super discreet.

I sometimes start and stop a message, something that becomes so hard with calls. Or I message, as has become the case this last year or so, at the end of the night, even overnight! I will write back when I’m in bed at the end of the night, or if I’ve just gotten baby boy back to bed and see something, I will quickly text back, depending on what it is.

It is just so easy. And it also keeps me in contact with so many people, and since this whole baby/toddler thing can be so lonely at times, it’s super reassuring to have someone… a text message away. 🥰

Who said technology was bad? I think in life stages like these, we realise how much these interactions can save us. I for one, love my messages. 💖🙏

#1373 What side of the sunset do they see?

You know, I still call them my work colleagues.

I realised it some weeks ago while out with friends. In conversation I went “oh yeah, my work friend so and so…”

And it was here that it occurred to me what I’d said.

‘Work’ – present tense… ‘Friend’ – present tense.

Perhaps it feels like that because it’s still all so new.

Perhaps it feels like that because I haven’t actually moved on to another form of paid work yet.

Perhaps it feels like that, because they will always be my friends.

Either way, this time of year has had me thinking about the crew a whole lot.

Because I knew, one of them would have started Christmas shopping already.

One of them would have a couple of holidays/getaways planned for the Summer .

One was going to visit the parents and pot around the garden.

A couple were going to spend time with the kids and do a whole lot of beachside activities.

And even a few more were looking forward to an extended holiday break to sleep in and watch the cricket.

I knew this, because I know them so well.

But yet, I was still not content. It’s been 3 months now, so long between catch ups, between drinks, between coffee walks.

So I messaged them ALL.

Well let’s be serious, not all of them. I messaged those who I had a connection with. Those I missed the most. Those who when I said, “let’s catch up soon” back in September, I had meant it.

Because I only say it if I mean it.

So during baby girl’s swim lesson this afternoon I took out my phone and started sending out messages.

In the hours that followed everyone responded. I returned text after text as baby girl and I got home, as she showered, as I prepared dinner and then as I cleaned up… I was grinning from ear to ear and going “awwww!”

Hubbie was smiling at me, crouched over the kitchen island, saying “that’s good.”

It was good.

I went to shower, but then got another message, so sat on my bed to respond. And it was here that I looked outside and saw the view.


Such a beautiful sky, dotted with those rippled clouds.

How did the sky look to my work friends? How did it look to them all? We were certainly scattered all over the city, that there was no doubt of, from coastal towns to country regions, and every where in between…

Did they see the same colours? The same sky? Were the clouds peppered in their view as it was in mine?

I thought about this for a moment and how we were now, as I always said we would be… strewn all over the place, far from each other, and away from our former place of work.

But we were still bound. We still are. By the memories. ♥