#3093 The apps that connect us

Yesterday I was grateful for the apps that keep me entertained on my phone.

Today as I ponder, I realise there are so many apps that connect me to the closest people in my life.

Messenger, sms, whatsapp, instagram, and now the new one, signal…

I have group messenger apps, one with my mum and sister, the other with my besties.

Then I have separate messenger chats with nearly all of these people. Plus my cousins.

Oh, but then I speak to all of these people via instagram too. 🤣

Additionally, one of them on whatsapp.

And one of them on signal. 😄

That’s not counting the sms.’ I message Hubbie mainly on this platform, along with half of the above people, and then I have baby girl of course, who messages me via messenger kids. 🥰

So if I ever do feel far away from these loved ones, or feel lonely, I need only open my phone and text to one of them in a variety of ways.

People like to knock technology, but really, without these apps, life for me would feel a whole lot lonelier. 🙏

#2977 The power of messages

All hail the technology message.

The sms. The messenger chat. The instagram drop. The facebook tag. The whatsapp notification.

All of the text forms. Because I’m at a stage of life, where if I had to speak to people on the phone to communicate, well I wouldn’t be communicating with ANYONE.

Life is so busy. I get messages via all of the above platforms here and there. I text back when I can. When I get a minute of peace.

If I had to call someone? It would never happen! Firstly it’s not silent. So often I am messaging with baby boy napping somewhere nearby, so I really do need to be super discreet.

I sometimes start and stop a message, something that becomes so hard with calls. Or I message, as has become the case this last year or so, at the end of the night, even overnight! I will write back when I’m in bed at the end of the night, or if I’ve just gotten baby boy back to bed and see something, I will quickly text back, depending on what it is.

It is just so easy. And it also keeps me in contact with so many people, and since this whole baby/toddler thing can be so lonely at times, it’s super reassuring to have someone… a text message away. 🥰

Who said technology was bad? I think in life stages like these, we realise how much these interactions can save us. I for one, love my messages. 💖🙏