#221 Extra daylight

I always remember it like this:

There is always a pro, and a con, when we enter/end the daylight savings period.

Ending daylight savings: we lose extended daylight as we enter Winter (boo) but we gain an extra hour of sleep as the hours go back one hour on that first Sunday morning (yay!)

Staring daylight savings: we lose an hour of sleep as we go forward one hour (weep) but we gain extra daylight as Sunset grows further into the night, and the days warm up to the most beautiful time of year.


I am a big ambassador, of sunlight, Summer, and of course, daylight savings. It took me as complete surprise when my Mum mentioned days ago that it was happening, this weekend. The clocks were moving forward to indicate this man-made seasonal occasion. I was thrown. I was not prepared. I thought it was happening at the end of October, and yet it was scheduled for 2am on the 2nd of it.


I haven’t had much sleep lately. I really need sleep at the moment. So the timing was a little shit.

But then I started to remember.

Lose sleep, but gain sunlight…

Washing can be out for so long! Sitting outside ’til late. Walks around the block after dinner. Feeling like you have so much day, just because you can see out your front door at 8pm…

and so much more.

This is a brilliant time of year, with so many exciting things coming our way… and the commencement of daylight savings coinciding with it all makes me all the more grateful.

#220 The response

The reply we give when they ask us is so gratifying… I can’t even. Seriously, I can’t even.

Their faces are shocked at first. It takes time for their minds to register “you’re moving there?” Once they realise we are serious, they still need some time to process it all, so they ask questions, slowly, one after the other.





But my favourites are:

“Do you have anyone there?”


“Are you going there for work?”

NO and NO.

We are making a Sea change, not for anyone or anything, but rather for ourselves. We are doing it for us, for a change, because hey –

We only have one life. Why not live it and try to experience everything to the fullest while we’re here?

I love these questions, and I have such deep and fulfilling satisfaction when I answer in the negative to them.

I’m grateful that we can answer in this way. I’m grateful that answering this way, means that we are living our life the way we can, the way we want to, as only we can…