#3059 Our passions

I am grateful for the passions that run rampant in our household.

They fuel us. Day in and day out.

Baby girl is fuelled by gymnastics, nature, and also Harry Potter, though she has paused reading the seventh book because it got a tad scary for her.

Hubbie is fuelled by music, sport, and recently, European history. He has purpose and happiness and is loving the paths he is exploring and discovering.

I am fuelled by writing. Creativity and ideas come to me in many forms, and I am so happy when they just keep coming and coming. They give me life and happiness and goals, remind me to do things for myself, and reach for the stars.

Baby boy is fuelled by food, walks outside, rocks, and climbing everything in the house. Also, he is like the Terminator that boy. He will not give up until he gets what he wants! Funny stuff. 🤣

Passions live in our house, and I hope they keep coming back, and coming back. 💖💙

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