#3060 The Harry Potter moon experience

It’s the Harry Potter moon. 🌕

That’s what I call it every time I see a full moon up in the sky, with clouds passing through it.

So striking is the beginning of the first Harry Potter film to me, that I remember this very scene years and years on, even though I haven’t even read any of the books! (one day I will).

Tonight I headed out for the first time at night, the first time without baby boy, or Hubbie, since before baby boy was born!

I went out with my baby girl. 🥰

I took her to the Harry Potter Forest Experience… literally, down the road. How lucky are we that the only experience like this in Australia, is quite literally a 7 minute drive away.

Baby girl’s excitement was palpable. She was squealing, happily posing for photos, talking a mile a minute, versus telling me “shh, I want to enjoy this.” 🤣

It was a lot of fun – super cold, 7 degrees anyone, feels like minus 10 🥶- but just simply amazing. The lights lit up the path, the moon lit up the sky, and baby girl’s eyes lit up with excitement.

Everything all lit up. 🔦🤩

So glad I got to experience this with her, but also happy I got to have my first night out… with my girl. 🙏💖

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