#3062 Old feedback, new goals

I’ve been doing lots of creative things of late.

Some old, some new.

When I say LOTS, I actually mean trying to do creative things (and somewhat succeeding), and usually making it to like an hours worth of creative time in a 24 period block… but I’m getting there.

I was trying to do something new recently, a new project, plan as it were, that involved a type of collaboration with someone else, but overnight that fell through.

I was a bit disheartened, but used the ‘fresh slate’ and ‘put it behind me’ mentality to focus instead on another creative pursuit, like, THE ORIGINAL CREATIVE PURSUIT for me.

My manuscript.

I need to submit my first three chapters to a publisher soon, and today after going through these, I remembered some feedback I got on my manuscript years ago, when I did a 6-month Write Your Novel course online.

We received feedback on parts of our work throughout the course from all classmates, but at the end we were placed into small groups, and had to read and give feedback on those manuscripts.

I went back to those documents today, and wow.

Bit emotional. 🥲

Despite being years ago, (before many other positive changes to my manuscript were made) I was pleasantly surprised to be reminded of some really sweet, important, morale-boosting feedback that just made me feel like YES! Someone gets it, someone gets me.

One fellow reader in particular got me and my manuscript so much, she could read my characters as I was telling it, and was just so, so positive while still being super constructive, but just very motivating too, I nearly reached out to her to thank her again, despite having not spoken to her in years now!

Also, another reader gave me feedback to the point that she helped me identify my main character’s story arc and point of motivation – a big help for me!

It’s something I’ve struggled with recently, wondering if my message is clear enough, second-guessing my potential, my story, my everything.

But these words from the past gave me such hope, that even if this publisher doesn’t see any potential, I have the strength and encouragement from fellow readers who know this genre well, to keep going.

Those words really made my day. 🥰

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