#3025 His pluses

I have tended to on occasion go on about the challenges of raising baby boy.

He needs his routine. Wake windows and set nap times eat your heart out.

He definitely lets you know when he isn’t happy or wants something. I think our neighbours are scared of us.

Let him sleep too much during the day and the night will be stuffed, putting it politely.

Hangry has his face in the dictionary definition.

And on and on. 🤣

But as of late, a few things have pointed me to the fact that he also has a lot of pluses.

I remember hearing some Mums talking at Mini Maestros about their little ones, and how at well under a year old they did not want to sleep in the pram anymore.

Hmm, I thought. Baby boy can still sleep in the pram!

Tick. ✅

He can also fall asleep in the car… including my current loan car, my sister’s car.

Tick. ✅

He is ‘pretty good’ with food (for a 14 month old, I think anyway).

Tick. ✅

He actually had no trouble getting himself to walk, I didn’t even need to help him around much, he learnt the whole thing himself!

Tick. ✅

Despite my HUGE difficulty at the end of my breastfeeding journey with sub-acute mastitis, I was able to wean him off of it so easily, and he hasn’t even tried to breastfeed or look like he is missing it.

Tick. ✅

And the one that I realised today… I met up with my local mother’s group, and baby boy was still sleeping on me when I walked into the library cafe following his car nap (proof from above!)

And one Mum commented, “that is so good he can sleep on you like that, it’s great for transfers.”

And just like that –

Tick! ✅ Another one was added to the list. 😁

I have been more than forthcoming when it comes to the challenges I’ve faced on this recent child-rearing journey, but at the same time, I will claim the wins I discover along the way, because they are definitely worth celebrating.

Also, balance. 🙏💙

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